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Oblivion is deleting my save game for no reason


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Oblivion does not delete saved games for any reason. I still have some from when I first started several years ago.

If you are missing save games, be sure you are saving them properly. Click on the new save block. then wait until you see the save successful message in the upper left corner.

If you click on one of the existing saves it will replace that save with your current game. BUT it will increment the save number. AND move that save to the top of the list. This can leave gaps in the save numbering sequence.


So if you choose to overwrite save #103, 103 will no longer exist, but you will have a new save with the next available number - it will probably be #104, and you number sequence will be 102, then 104 with NO 103. If you do as I do and start a sequence of saves when you start a new dungeon or quest, then overwrite that save several times during the quest, you could have a large gap in your number sequence.

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