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CTD support


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Ever since i had started playing Fallout 3, i have noticed that the crashing has gotten increasingly worse. vault 101? no CTDs at all, The Pitt after beating the main quest and a few other DLC quests? LAG LAG LAG CTD- restart, play for a minute, LAG CTD again. I just don't understand why this is happening!


(i think someone said that it was because of how large their game file is... but then again i think that was a PS3 player...)


I have searched and tried about every possible solution i have found on here and google;


Reinstalling the game

adjusting the .ini (two different ways)

Going back to an older video card driver

tried the FFdshow codecs (then removed them)

adding the "3g" enabler to the .exe (which didn't work.)



If anyone has any other solutions, post them, I have probably missed them, or tried and forgot about them.

(please post solutions, I REALLY wanna play fallout, but these damn CTDs made it impossible



Nvidia 9400 GT 512 mb

1 gig of RAM

Intell pentium 4

Windows XP

Thats all the pertinant information i can think of


If you want a DXdiag, tell me the instructions to getting that long text file and i'll post it aswell.

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hmm.. my FOMM won't load D:< it gives me an error; "fallout mod manager failed to initialize propery (0xc0000135) click "ok" to terminate application."


yes i have some mods, but it crashed before i had them installed.

and yes i have GOTY, (not to flame, but you could have figured that by reading my post...)

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hmm.. my FOMM won't load D:< it gives me an error; "fallout mod manager failed to initialize propery (0xc0000135) click "ok" to terminate application."


yes i have some mods, but it crashed before i had them installed.

and yes i have GOTY, (not to flame, but you could have figured that by reading my post...)

OK, post your Mods, your load order

What's your os? XP right, but have you SP3 and all the latest updates? ...

What's your exact game version? Patch 1.7?

You mentioned you reinstalled the game. How you did that? The clean way? Like described here, in point VI ) Reinstalling Fallout 3?



Only mentioning The Pit or whatever DLC does not mean that you have the GotY Edition ;)

Adrian had a good reason to ask

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i can't start FOMM.

SP 2 i believe.. i don't like the updates...

patch 1.7... before reinstalling.

and i just did "start-programs-bathesda-fallout 3 - uninstall".



and you have a point, sorry.


Im currently attempting to play WITHOUT the pitt, a friend said that was an issue.

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I was able to after that first reinstall, (with one, tiny mod, which all it did was add a renamed gun that did a ton of damage, no textures or models imported.) but if you really would like me to make sure i'll try reinstalling it without that aswell


unless you mean also excluding the GOTY content, then no i have not.

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You do not need to reinstall the game again. Now that you've reinstalled, straight away install FOMM. Do not install all the piles of mod at an instant. Slowly pick the one that you want (I recommend installing DLC's first then overhaul mods first), install the mods one by one and start the game, see if there is still CTD. The important thing is FOMM, you must be able to start it.
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which i cannot... if you or someone can help with that there's an error code 3-4 posts up...


Would it matter that i was able to play the game before i installed the GOTY stuff, and still CTD'd? (i mean completly vanilla, no mods)


and im only using like 3-4 mods, (one of them is a tad difficult because its pitt girl. and it doesn't use an ESP... FOMM helped me install it... help?)

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