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When you ran your .exe file through the enabler you should have backed up your Fallout3.exe, you need to copy that back into your Fallout 3 folder and overwrite the modified one. After that you need to


right click My Computer and click on properties

click on the Advanced tab

click on Settings in the Startup and Recovery section

click the edit button

remove the last 2 options on the last line (i can't remember what they were)



basically reverse his installation instructions



It fixed my crashing, had almost no problems since I removed that and the mod I was trying to fix the crashing in. It seems to work on some PC's but not on mine.

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Right, i just went on a rampage in Megaton (not saved) with the eMIRV, and i didn't have any issues till i took off god mode and shot the ground, it lagged up a decent bit, but it managed to keep going without crashing. I do not know if this was the source of the crashing yet, as i cannot test throughly because I'm about to leave, but thanks for the help.
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I realize you've tried a lot of game-fixes but have you tried any system fixes?


Defraged - tested the HDD for errors or corrupted files?


I see you have a 512mb card and only 1gb of RAM, add on about another 2-400mb for windows and that doesn't leave much room for the game to swap in and out of memory meaning your system could very well be bottle necking somwhere between the HDD - RAM - GFX.


Also checking your temps might be a good idea - not just CPU but also GPU and NB - especially your NB - at this point, given all the game fixes you've tried it might be time to turn the light on the system for a moment.

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the hard drive is still somewhat fresh from a recent format less than a month ago, I've allready did a ton of system fixes, but i really do not want to put any more money into this rig, especially since i haven't got the job (or the money) to buy parts.


and i don't understand why fallout doesn't like to work when i could play oblivion all day long in medium-high graphics and have very little lag.

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Yeah, its worth monitoring the hardware temperatures since the crash happens after playing a while. Also whats your sound cart or do you use onboard sound?

Maybe try to set the hardware acceleration of the sound card to normal

After that you should delete the Fallout.ini in your my games folder to set the game settings again

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Onboard sound

tried that allready, no dice.

Will do,(and uh, mine says "Fallout_default.ini" would that matter?

Yep, better avoid touching the default.ini

It is the base on which the Fallout.ini is beeing created

Only delete the Fallout.ini in

<Start Menu> \ Documents \ My Games \ Fallout3 \

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and i don't understand why fallout doesn't like to work when i could play oblivion all day long in medium-high graphics and have very little lag.


Don't sweet it, there's nothing to understand. Being able to play one game and not another is irrelevant and means nothing, contrary to what the 'i can play Crysis but not <insert game du-jour here>' crowd would have you believe. Even if they use the same engine.


Have you checked your eventlog for any unruly errors that happen around the same time you crash? Even if you're dumped to the desktop without any game-errors, windows might be throwing one or two - worth a check. Also it might be time to start shutting down some errant applications running in the background. P4's are pretty old and with only 1gb of RAM it might help.

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