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Problems with blender


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I am not sure what I am doing wrong I have been trying to get blender to read .nif files I have been following this tutorials instructions http://niftools.sourceforge.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=150

I only have the other tab the configuration keys tab isn't there:/ I tryed the forums for nifscope but sadly I think people stopped caring about ti long ago so no replies. So I hope some one can help me here^.^



Also I wanted to know if there is tool to view and edit .nif files in photoshop cs?


-Thanks- CK

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hi, for the second quesion: Nif files are the 3d models and they can't be viewed end edited in photoshop or any other image manipulationg program


For the first part, i'll get to it tommorow morning. Right now i have just enough time too write this, sry.

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that tutorial is quite old you don't really have to do much more then install the scripts and your done. be sure you have the proper blender and python installed I'm using blender 4.9 and python 2.6. I didn't do any configuring. just go to the Import and find nif. then click on the proper game type (oblivion) then set defaults for that game. if your wanting to edit textures there is a plug in for gimp to read .dds files I don't use photoshop so no help there.
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Blender + All Necessary Files - NifSkope is included in this package and can be used to view and make certain changes to NIF files.


DDS Converter 2 - Batch convert to and from PSD and DDS files. Allows you to work exclusively in Photoshop and when done, use the conversion tool to update the DDS.


Paint.NET - Image Editor that can import and export in DDS format (as well as work with other file formats...so it can kinda be a converter for you)


GIMP - Another image editor that can handle DDS files and create simple Normal Maps with the included plugins.


DDS Tools Listing




Here are some common file extensions along with my comparison of advantages and disadvantages for each type:


BMP = Bitmap

- Advantage: No Image Compression. Image does not degrade if saved over and over again.

- Advantage: Can be viewed as thumbnails with Windows Explorer.

- Advantage: Can be viewed with default Windows image viewer "Fax Preview."

- Disadvantage: No Image Compression. Image size is HUGE and is never advisable to share this kind of file over the Internet.

- Disadvantage: Does not support alpha channel / transparency.

- Disadvantage: Does not support layers.


PNG = Portable Network Graphics image

- Advantage: Lossless image compression. Image quality does not degrade if saved over and over again and maintains relatively small file size to quality.

- Advantage: Supports alpha channel / transparency.

- Advantage: Can be viewed as thumbnails with Windows Explorer.

- Advantage: Can be viewed with default Windows image viewer "Fax Preview."

- Disadvantage: Does not support layers.


JPG / JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group

- Advantage: Variable image compression. Compression applied to the image can be controlled to apply no compression or very high compression which is a trade-off between image quality and file size.

- Advantage: Widely supported and mainly utilized to share photo images across the Internet in a fairly small file.

- Advantage: Can be viewed as thumbnails with Windows Explorer.

- Advantage: Can be viewed with default Windows image viewer "Fax Preview."

- Disadvantage: Variable image compression. An image with compression applied will degrade in quality with subsequent saves as compression is re-applied (similar to the fax-of-a-fax analogy).

- Disadvantage: Does not support layers.


PSD = Photoshop Document (image)

- Advantage: Native format for Photoshop which support all Photoshop features (including layers, transparency, alpha channel).

- Advantage: Lossless image compression.

- Disadvantage: Proprietary file format and typically large filesize.

- Disadvantage: Cannot be viewed as thumbnails with Windows Explorer.

- Disadvantage: Cannot be viewed with default Windows image viewer "Fax Preview."


DDS = Microsoft DirectDraw Surface texture

- Advantage: Optimized for use in DirectX games.

- Advantage: Supports alpha channel / transparency.

- Advantage: Variable image compression. Compression allows for better game performance.

- Disadvantage: Lossy file format. An image with compression applied will degrade in quality with subsequent saves as compression is re-applied (similar to the fax-of-a-fax analogy).

- Disadvantage: Variable image compression. An image with compression applied will degrade in quality with subsequent saves as compression is re-applied (similar to the fax-of-a-fax analogy).

- Disadvantage: Cannot be viewed as thumbnails with Windows Explorer.

- Disadvantage: Cannot be viewed with default Windows image viewer "Fax Preview."

- Disadvantage: Does not support layers.


With the above out of the way, I will explain how I utilize all these files since each has its own list of advantage and disadvantages.


BMP - If a program spits these out, I will immediately convert them to a file format but it depends on what I plan on doing with it as to which type I convert it to.


PNG - I typically keep files in this format if I need to keep a transparency preserved (such as an icon or source image for future work or as a finalized work that was exported with transparency)


JPG - These are typically photos and screenshots with a 10 to 15% compression applied to keep the end-result filesize small. I only use this file type when I am "DONE" with the image and it is a finished product that will never (likely) be modified again. In regards to my "WindowCapture" utility which saves images as JPG, I use the highest image quality for the initial capture. If the image needs no manipulation, I will re-save it with a standard amount of compression to reduce the file size. If I need to edit the file, it is converted to a source file (see next paragraph).


PSD or PSP/PSPImage (PaintShopPro) or XCF (GIMP) - These are my "source" files which typically have multiple layers, transparencies and filters. They are typically the largest files I have and are rarely deleted regarding game modding. But during the process of creating an end-result JPG, I will typically discard these files after I have finished a JPG or PNG image which will no longer need further editing.


DDS - These are NEVER considered my "source" files and thus, they are never "edited" but instead are basically end-result exports from source files (PSD/PSP/XCF). The only time I go the wrong direction (converting from DDS to PSD) is when there is no other available option (no source image) and it is only done once due to the lossy nature of the DDS file and the Fax-of-a-Fax effect.


I hope this clears things up a bit.



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Wow I really appreciate all the help especially to you LHammonds all the links and the info on the different files is more then helping me out.


I am a pro with photoshop so that was a all very easy I am new to blender though I've only ever used 3DS max and maya (At my school) so the interface is a bit difficult to get used to but I found dome tutorials on it.


Installing and downloading everything from the links was very easy and worked perfect thank you so much again. I reply here again if I have any more troubles^.^


-Thanks so much!- Ck

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Ok Now my only problem is viewing the original texture files for all the original armor and weapons a friend told me I can use obmm to do it but I have no idea how and get nothing on a search here and in google.


I tried the strange cmd program made to do this but it just won't work on my pc and there is no support for it and I would rather use obmm anywaysX3


-Thankies- CK

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