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Transfering faces, - is it possible ?

Carl S

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UGH! Toolcrap has locked up on my 3 times so far! So I think that I'm giving up on this for tonight!


Yeah I hear that. Even if its like my post here, where I didnt know the full details. At least knowing that somebody is willing to try to help when nobody else has posted anything is at least a plus.

That, and it helps sometimes to know that somebody knows your pain, hahaha.


have you had any progress Carl? I'm hoping you have, I wanna see new character pics in the images section ;)

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No I'm sad to say I have not :


like I said, my chr files are in C:\Users\DarkeWolf\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\Pre-release Characters if you're on a different version of the OS, you can take a shortcut, as most of them have a link to the documents folder listed in the start menu. just click on start, and you should see it somewhere there in the list. from there just navigate to bioware/dragonage/pre-release characters


I don't have any Pre-release folder on my PC. Maybe because all my characters are made in-game.

I have attached a pic of the folder structure , .... in the "saves" folder there is only .jpg , .xml and .das files .

The das file is rather big ( > 12000 KB ) , - I assume the .das file contains most of the relevant data.


I have used the search function several times in Win Explorer (searching for anything like "chr" on the PC)

with no result. :wallbash:


At the moment I don't have much time for a lot of experiments and headbanging with the Toolset.

I work as a programmer and developer of business programs on a brewery here in Denmark, and

I have just installed the program language "Delphi" on my PC because my boss wants me to learn

and use that language for a rather big project in the days to come.

So I am afraid that there will only be room for a few screen-shots in my spare time the next month or so. :wink:


But still , - I will return to this face tranferring task later this spring. It would be great if we could work together

on this. If others would like to help it would also be most welcome.

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hmmmm. I dont know why you're not finding them, using the windows search. Try doing a search for your characters name. Granted, using that method, you'll also come up with a result for each and every savegame that you've got for that character. and a copy of each and every jpg file associated with that savegame. which can make for a bit of scrolling. make sure that you're including subfolders. and maybe even check to see whether you've got the extensions showing in your windows view options.


yep, the .das file is the one you want to look in for your savegame morph info. a lot of people I've provided that link to have had it work for them. Like I said, on mine tho, that particular slot is empty :(

there's also a .das.met but that doesnt hold very much. not even sure what it's for.

Maybe I'm not opening the file in builder mode, or some such crap.


ah yeah. I can see how having to learn a new program language will definitely be taking up a large portion of your time. I'm supposed to be learning networking basics right now, and well....havent been devoting nearly as much time to that as I really should be.

Afraid that I have absolutely no experience or knowledge of Delphi tho, so I'm afraid that I don't know the full extent of what kind of challenge that is going to be for you. But yeah, learning any program language is a challenge to me. I understand some of the very, very basics of C# and C## but that's about it. And most of that, I've forgotten from lack of usage.


Anyway, good luck with Delphi. I'm rooting for ya on your efforts there!

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