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[request][easy] New mesh for one Model ( sexlivion )


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Hi all, i need some help, its not mush but you have to know how to edit mesh in nif file, i tryed to do it but failed.


Simply i need someone who can edit nif file (Data\meshes\clothes\PSO\penis.hif) from sexlivion mod, all you need to do is sellect all poligons of balls and zoom them down till you cant see them.




Thanks in advance!





edit: now file is attached to this post.

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I know I'm going to be sorry, but "until you can't see them"??


Cut the balls of, literary. I want to use this model to replace sreapon in SFG.



alex2avs, yes i have them but that did not help.


Can't we just do that then? I mean shrinking is easy enough but sometimes it's easier to just do the castration. I don't have the mod, but you can send me the model (or PM me a link) and I will castrate it for you. No problems. I actually threatened to do just this before, so it would be my pleasure. :P

Edited by myrmaad
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thanks to myrmaad, i got this mesh that i wanted but now i have another problem, when i paste it over (rewriting old mesh) into model that i wanted to mod, in nifskope model look like it should but ingame model look like a mess of poligons (http://picfront.de/d/7rJj),


anyone know how to fix this ?



attached file is the file that dosnt work ingame, but looks right in nifscope.

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