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Feature req...automated multiple mod install/uninstall


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I was wondering if it would be possible to install/uninstall multiple mods automatically. It is already possible to select multiple mods in NMM with SHIFT or CTRL, and there's already a way to uninstall ALL the mods...why not just a selected few? I do try new mods out regularly, and it does get a bit tiresome to click through multiple mods to uninstall them, install the new one, then if I want to go back it's the same process all over again. For example, I use the Skyrim HD 2K texture packs, there's five of them. If I want to uninstall those to try something new, I click on one to uninstall, wait..."the mod was succesfully deactivated", click OK, click on the second....repeat process. Takes five to ten minutes for those. I can only imagine how much time this would save for someone switching out body replacers, textures and armors that go with...


Just a thought I had...

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Installing multiple mods at once is very bad practice, you should install one, test it and then move on. If you install a load and there's a problem you won't know where to start looking for the answer.

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