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A matter of scale


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So, this is a touch old, but it's come up again on /r/TESLore and on the Bethesda forums, sooo... There is this map, created by Lady N. with the input of MK and Kurt that shows Nirn overlayed over our world, for scale.




This is the closest thing we have to an 'official' map of Nirn, in terms of scale, and is necessary to take things into consideration.


For instance, during the Great War, within a span of 4 years, the Aldmeri Dominion conquered an area almost the size of the Middle East. Skyrim is the size of central Europe, and the Redguard managed to sink the Americas.


Its something to keep in mind, particularly when claims are being made about what is militarily possible, or not. I myself have seemingly over-stated what may be accomplished from time to time.

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Seems like a round peg in a square hole to me.

Seems like an unconstructive and self important comment to me...


Why can't the Skyrim in-game world be that big? :(

They tried once. Daggerfall is roughly to scale (albeit a pre-Redguard scale) and occupies about 3x the are of the British Isles. It still crashes some computers, and it came out in 1996.


It would certainly put all of them 'Fast traveling is wrong' nakkers in their place though, wouldn't it?

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It would certainly put all of them 'Fast traveling is wrong' nakkers in their place though, wouldn't it?



Imagine the YEARS AND YEARS spent simply trying to follow the main quest without fast travelling :D

Not to talk about factions.

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Why can't the Skyrim in-game world be that big? :sad:

They tried once. Daggerfall is roughly to scale (albeit a pre-Redguard scale) and occupies about 3x the are of the British Isles. It still crashes some computers, and it came out in 1996.


It would certainly put all of them 'Fast traveling is wrong' nakkers in their place though, wouldn't it?


That wasn't a serious proposal. Though it would be nice, its won't happen until we all have desktop quantum computers for playing games.


Also Daggerfall doesn't count. Most of it was randomly generated.

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