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GECK Keeps Crashing!


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For some reason my GECK cannot open 2 custom interiors that I have been working on for months. For some reason GECK refuses to open them for the past few days, an issue that has barely occurred in the past. I do not know if it is due to the amount of resources within the cells that GECK has to process ( roughly 2,000-3,000 per cell) or if it is due to the complexity of the items within the cell. I will post pictures of the two errors I've gotten (it either crashes immediately, or it will load roughly half the resources then continuously load and never end.) This is very important and I'm trying to avoid deleting most things in the cell or having to revert back to an older backup of the mod. Originally it was because I had too many NPCs and it was causing GECK to crash, but I divided the cell into the 2 current cells I have now. But now, even the game will crash when the player tries to enter the larger interior, but they can enter the smaller one (yet both cells will not render in GECK)


Short story: GECK is crashing and I have no idea why. Please help!

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Whenever I have an interior that crashes on load, I just remove the object(s) that I last put in there until it no longer crashes. Just select the cell and the objects will show up to the right and you just right-click and select delete.

Edited by JJ2198
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Whenever I have an interior that crashes on load, I just remove the object(s) that I last put in there until it no longer crashes. Just select the cell and the objects will show up to the right and you just right-click and select delete.

The only problem with that is I have so many objects within the interior I've lost track of what I have placed last.

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Expand the second column ("Form ID") in the right side of the Cell View window, then arrange the cell's objects by Form ID, descending. The objects at the top are the ones added last.

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