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Close Combat; Melee


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Hi guys,first most in the forums.
From the very beginning, what I was missing in XCOM the most, was that there is no melee.
I always fantasized about how one of my guys, that's out of ammo, but has to get a kill this turn, could just kick the Sectoid in the face.
And when EW was coming out and I heard about the gene mod that gives your guy the ability to jump on buildings, I hoped that maybe they'll add melee in to the game and this fella with the mod could kick a Muton to death, but sadly..


I thought that I was not alone with this point of view, but when I tried searching for a mod, I found nothing but this



2. Melee
There is that, and there's also the Melee property for weapons. IIRC someone said that they succeeded in making a soldier melee people with his weapon. Of course the animations are not there.



Yes they are. The animations for when they hit a window or kick in a door (so they can fire) would do nicely for this.



Then I was like, why hasn't this been done yet, I have 0exp with mod making and coding in general, but it seems to me that everything you need is in the game:
1.The melee combat, that when you are adjacent to an enemy, you can make this attack that always hits ( like Muton Berserkers or the MEC's fist)

2.The animation


So I would like to ask you guys with the know how. Is this possible, if so could you please make it? Thank you.

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Well this is going well.. Then maybe some-one could give me links to something like "Moding XCOM for beginners" ?








Doing this would definitely not be beginner. You're basically adding a new ability to every new character.

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Doing this would definitely not be beginner. You're basically adding a new ability to every new character.



And is it that hard? Like in the Long War almost every character has the "Steady Aim" ability or whatever it's called .

So some-one please tell me how hard is this, because if it's not, I would be willing to throw some $ at it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Steady aim was already present in the game, as far as I know, but it was just unused and called "Aim". Modding in active perks and abilities is nigh impossible (and beyond the capabilities of even our best people, so far).


I had ideas on how to do this, such as you could change the statistics of the characters when the abilities are used (like having Run and Gun grant mobility). I've not really checked into this, but if you want to figure it out, you can look into it.

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