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Shivering Isles patch not working


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Of course SI and KOTN work on vista and win 7...

Just install it from the cd at your win vista/7 pc.

But use another install directory than the default won

(Install it not on C:\Program Files\Oblivion.

Install it for example on C:\Games\Oblivion)

Obliv on Win7/Vista has this same problem


so the OP already knows this


Implying something fishy in this thread.

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I have been using Win7 since the early free version. It works better than XP for Oblivion. Many of our members use Vista with no problems. All of the DLCs, SI & KOTN have worked fine with both. The only issue is with the UAC (User Account Control) feature of both Vista and Win7. That is easily bypassed by installing The game outside of the protected Program Files folder - I recommend making a folder C:\Games and installing it there.


The Windows registry is a part of XP, Vista and Win7. It is a kludge that they should have done away with years ago. But it is what it is and we are stuck with it. However, I am seeing more and more applications getting away from using it - any application that is portable - that can be run on any computer from a USB drive does not use the registry. Hopefully it will go away in Win8 - or whatever they decide to call the next version.


I currently have a USB stick with most of the programs I use on it. I can plug in into most computers and run my browser, with my bookmarks, My email program with my contact list. Using Open Office, I can create documents that can be easily emailed to my office where they will be opened using Word, and Excel. My finance program is on it, with my financial info encoded. I also have over a dozen utility programs that can do things like scan a friends Hard drive for viruses & spyware, restore a corrupted master boot record and recover lost files. I haven't figured out how to get Oblivion on it yet though.

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lol. Bben - I so wish I could do that too. No more websense stopping me doing what I want when I want, I could just play games at work all day. I'd work for half the money if that was the case.


OP - As Bben said, the problem with Vista and 7 using the GotY disk 2 is the exact same problem as everything else to do with modding/playing games in these hyper-defensive Operating Systems - The UAC and 'extra' defense on the program files folder that Bilbo and the rest of the Information Nazi's at Microshaft HQ stuck on there to prevent people being able to use our PCs as we want to, when we want to. Hell, just because we bought/built them doesn't make them ours or anything... oh no.

If you've not already bypassed this you are going to have a lotta problems with using mods and utilities. And anything else that has an .exe, or any kinda file type that 7 / Vista don't parlez with. Savvy? (In English- If its not a windows7/Vista made application, or a file type that windows 7 or Vista can read without the aid of another program, its not going to work properly, if at all, regardless of wether or not you have that extra program.)

Best ways around this? Check out Ben's article on the Nexus Files Server/articles section on running the game and mods under Windows Vista or Windows 7.


MHM - the GotY definately has the patch in there mate. If you've installed Shivering Isles and Knights of the Nine from GotY disk II and then patched it, I'm surprised that (i) you could and (ii) it works.

Just out of curiosity, have you played the Shivering Isles since you did that?



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Yes, of course I have played it since I patched it (that was the first thing I did before I played it, you know, cuz I heard of this ID number error).

I also had the problem first that I used the normal patch, not the SI patch.

But after reinstalling and that stuff I used the SI patch and everything works fine now.

Even though I haven't finished SI yet...

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