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Missing Mods


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As the name implies I am new to the modding community, as with this newness comes confusion and screw-ups. Recently the computer I share with three other people was spiked and we lost a lot of information, I was able to recover most of the mods that I had been using however some are still missing as when I load up my character the game claims that some mods are missing. My question to the wonderful people of this community is: is there any way to recover these files and is there a way to print a list of mods? Oh I should mention that I am using Nexus Mod Manager the latest version.



If there is no way to recover them is there a way to tell which ones are missing. My brother plays Dragon Age: Origins and when he tries to load a game with missing mods the game tells him which ones are missing.


Thank you so much for any help that is passed my way. Please let me know if you need any other information to make an attempt at saving my newbie tuckus.

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