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What's up with people dressing up female characters really skimpy?


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You see it in many games to some degree: guild wars 2 for instance... hell have you seen scarlet blade. Honestly though I kinda agree, I don't mind playing female characters and some of the nude mods were fun at first but now it's just plain creepy seeing unrealistic rendered women in these frankly rediculous 'armors'. This site is bordering on a porn site, and if you find that last statement offensive ask yourself: would you show this stuff to your mother? like I told my girlfriend "It's like, Did the internet suddenly run out of porn?". I've been hoping since 2012 that nexus would make an effort to seperate the mods into 2 categories Pervy and not-pervy. Not "adult and non-Adult" but "pervy and Not-Pervy". I also think one of the reasons that it's so rampant is because there's very strict rules on what you can actually say on nexus if you have anything nasty to say about some of these images you just have to suck it up and let it go.


I don't think anything is going to change you don't have to agree with it just accept that this is what nexus is and if you want mods this where they get posted and that's it.


It's called "Adult" and "Non-Adult" to separate the X-Rated content from the PG; which is more commonly known as "Adult" content. They're just calling a spade, a spade here.


To want it classified as "pervy" is kind of immature, in my opinion. You either like it, or you don't. Either way, the mature reaction would be to simply ignore it if it's not your cup of tea; not get the community to change their outlook on it because you think it's weird.


I think it's a good thing to have mods of all varieties. I would rather a site have everything for everybody, rather than demanding it to be tailored to my needs.


To be honest, if we were going to get into the whole immersion sharpshooter thing here; wouldn't all characters be naked underneath their clothes? If it wasn't such a taboo subject, and given the blackball AO rating by the ESRB; Bethesda more than likely would have implemented nude bodies whenever clothes are removed in the vanilla release.



"I would rather a site have everything for everybody, rather than demanding it to be tailored to my needs."

"Either way, the mature reaction would be to simply ignore it if it's not your cup of tea; not get the community to change their outlook on it because you think it's weird."


At no point did I mention anything along the lines "let's stop these people". My Position is very simple; the skimy content checkbox which is nice when searching for mods is cool I love it. Let's just make that checkbox appear on my Profile preferences instead and make it apply to ALL images and mods on the sites. It makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don't want to see it and I know a lot of other people don't want to see it, yet currently it is everywhere. I don't think the request to be able to block something is immature in any way.


"It's called "Adult" and "Non-Adult" to separate the X-Rated content from the PG; which is more commonly known as "Adult" content."

the problem here is I want to see the "adult" content like the gore mods. I just don't want to search for them amongst all the skimpy outfits.


"wouldn't all characters be naked underneath their clothes?" erm.. What does this have to do with anything? If you look up the question isn't about being naked, it's about dressing up really skimpy.


I think the thing that really creeps me out more than anything. Is every now and then when i'm downloading an innocent mod and you got to images and click the 'from users' tab and off of a sudden there's this thing wearing an elven micro bikini or something and has a caption that says "Vikki thanks you".


"Bethesda more than likely would have implemented nude bodies whenever clothes are removed in the vanilla release." this statement is based on what exactly? O.o


Nice job slicing the prefacing of my sentences to fit your own needs.


I still don't see why you're whining about it, though...


If you aren't able handle the adult content, why not just turn it off? Before being able to see those entries that you're crying over, you went in to your profile and selected "Allow" to the adult content setting. Don't like the adult screenshots? There's an option to turn off images in your preferences as well. You can't realistically expect nexus to edit each mod entry and mark them "Nude" or "Skimpy" just because it hurts your little feelings. Far be it for the internet to contain something offensive!


To be honest, If you aren't mature enough to just skip through the entries you don't want to see; then you probably shouldn't be looking at the violent mods either. Come to think of it. the base game has an "M" rating for sexual themes. I don't think you should be hearing those either.


Here's a link to some games that I think you might be interested in. I think you will be delighted to find that it is far better suited to accomodate your needs.:



Also, if you're wanting to get into the whole "The OP was asking" thing, let me just point out that they were coming from the viewpoint of skimpy armors being unrealistic due to there being no coverage of vitals; not how it offends, which is the tirade that you started spewing about. An entirely different interpretation of what was initially posed.

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It's called fantasy for a reason. Saying a fantasy game - or anything in the game is unrealistic is kind of silly. As unrealistic is a part of the definition of fantasy, being realistic would not be fantasy would it? Your fantasy and my fantasy may be entirely different things. That does not make one right and the other wrong Both are right for that individual, The entire purpose of modding is to allow you to play the game your way, and the other person to play it their way.


BTW, this topic has lasted three pages without being shut down for flaming, trolling or just stupidity. Which may be a record for this exact same topic that is repeated at least once a month here. :cool:


Lets keep it that way. :thumbsup:

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It's called fantasy for a reason. Saying a fantasy game - or anything in the game is unrealistic is kind of silly. As unrealistic is a part of the definition of fantasy, being realistic would not be fantasy would it?


Granted. Of course dragons, magic or draugr are unrealistic in terms of our reality on planet Earth. But they totally fit in the whole concept of the Elder Scrolls universe. Even fantasy games have their environmental rules. That's why Darth Vader, Spider-Man & Co. doesn't fit/belong at all in Skyrim just like these skimpy outfits. You can find them cool, you can have the desire to use them but they definitely don't fit to this universe and it's "rules".


For comparison only I don't think that anybody would scrutinize the existence of a Balrog in the LOTR stories. It just fits to the rest of the world of Middlearth. But I highly doubt that a Transformers like creature would be accepted in that way.

Edited by Novem99
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I know this topic will be really controversial, but I'll ask it anyway.


I've never understood this. A lot of people will complain a lot about realism in their games: They will have realistic looking skin textures, realistic looking armor textures, world textures, water, swords, everything. Then, their characters will be wearing next to nothing/skimpy armors, running around fighting...and I just don't get it.


You have to know realistically that if a person wearing next to no armor goes into a fight they're going to die immediately...right? For me that's a huge immersion breaker. This is not to say that everyone needs to look like some hulking knight covered head to toe in platemail armor...but at the very least, they should be somewhat believably defended for it to not break my immersion.


For example: This would be auto-death in my opinion since the vitals are exposed.


Now I want to make it clear that I'm not criticizing anyone's preferences, but I want to know from people who use those mods, or people who make those mods. What are your thoughts in relation to it and what are you thinking when you decide to use/make those mods.


I want to be more educated about the mindset, so I can learn more about how others think in relation to female mods of this style. For me it's hugely immersion breaking, and I think "why would you use this/why is this so popular?" So I want to know why exactly individuals might lean in that direction.



I have not read (and probably will not read) the entire thread, so these may be duplicate answers, but here's my personal view on it:


Different Strokes.


I am a man who has his own "ideal vision" of the female form, and who sees that form as Art, not unlike the Eiffel Tower, or the works of the Classical Masters. I admire finely-crafted art. As such, I wish to see it. Skimpy armors/outfits serve that purpose, largely without having my toon going about completely naked. I use an armor mod that retains the vanilla armor base design and texturing/color schemes that is both revealing and fits within the vanilla visuals; it's no different than having a piece of artwork custom-framed to match the décor of your house.


I never lose sight of the fact that I'm not living the life, but rather playing a video game, so the very fact that I'm holding a plastic controller in my hand, not a sword, while sitting in a recliner, not running around the untamed wilderness, with a bowl of nachos to my right, instead of a mythical magical monster, is breaking the immersion far more than whether or not that sheer negligée could really stop an overhanded power attack or dragon fire or a hail of arrows.


Then there are the following immersion-killers:

-arrows in the head and face, along with magical ice spears, covered in flames, and being beaten by a troll, yet my toon is still in one piece, not screaming in agony, or dead.

-if you die, you reload or do-over right then

-magical anything

-mythical/non-existent creatures (Spriggans, talking dogs, dragons that fly and spew elemental projectiles, elemental atronachs, the walking dead, lizard and cat-people, elves, spiders the size of a 1945 Buick, people who only eat bread and drink mead yet still live, etc)

-in inclement weather, only my visibility is gimped - bandits can see me as if it was a clear day

-clone children

-the old women have the same body as the young women

-no fat/out of shape people - all the men have 6-packs, even the scrawny beggars


-SoS (no, not Sounds)


-it's on TV



So while I enjoy a certain level of realism, mostly in appearances (textures and mesh polycount), the real immersion-breakers are far more serious than what my girl is wearing.

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This is my first comment on one of these, since I normally just ignore them, but I have a relevant question:


Why don't the people that start these topics simply go back and read the other zillion topics already created on the same subject? I doubt the explanations have changed over time. It reminds me of a famous phrase "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". This site has a huge topic/comment archive. It's like the community has OCD.


So the next time someone starts one of these up again, the only comment people make can be: "Please see previous discussions on the same subject.", and then a moderator can just lock it. Unless, of course, people like talking about this over and over again. Seems a little crazy to me.

Edited by blitzen
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