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Hardcore Immersive Playthrough. Any suggestions for mods?


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Hello everyone.


I'm considering starting a hardcore playthrough that will rely on stealth, archery, conjuration (for if I get caught), and Illusion (to prevent getting caught). The reason why I have Conjuration is that this will be on Legendary difficulty, so I won't do much of any damage.


My character will be a vampire (I do have Better Vampires). I also have all the DLC (sans Hearthfire). RCRN + ELFX as well, as I rather like the improvements given by these mods over the overly demanding enhancements given by ENB's (laptop heats up like the sun with those).


Other "realism enhancing" mods I have are as follows:



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(My definition of a "realism enhancing" mod is one that gives enough of an improvement to the specified gameplay system that going back to vanilla is not an option)


I also have SkyUI 4.1 and SKSE 1.7 Alpha


Mods I'm already considering:


Deadly Dragons

Ultimate Combat

SkyRe/Requiem (I really like SPERG though :confused:)

Revenge of the Enemies

Immersive First Person + Head Tracking (I don't have a problem with motion sickness, but still would like opinions on this)


Any input and/or suggestions are appreciated :smile:

Edited by MethosTR
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Hardcore immersion isn't really my thing, but I've tried Frostfall nonetheless, and it's easily customizable via the MCM, which is always good.

If you plan on playing a vampire, Frostfall may have less effect, since I believe it makes them immune to the cold - but you can turn that off in it's configuration menu as well!


I would personally (note, personally) suggest replacing Sounds of Skyrim with Audio Overhaul for Skyrim, after comparing both AOS gives a much more natural and ambient feel, but then again that's a personal choice.


SkyRe does an amazing job at improving the combat, and once again highly customizable. I'm not using the combat module atm, because I'm a sissy, but even the core module entirely rebalances perks, weapons, armors... and adds a very interesting timed-block mechanic that tickles my Dark Souls senses.


I've tried Deadly Dragons as well, however hardcore combat mods are not my thing, so I am definitely biased, but it is also customizable, and you can even turn off ''new'' abilities and the new dragon species, if you're a loremonger, like me.

On this subject, if you're really into dragon fighting, Bellyache's New Dragon Species sounds like it might suit you : it places gorgeous new dragons a lil everywhere on the map, some alone, some in groups, but most importantly unleveled. Meaning you could definitely take a stroll right into a level 50 dragon before you even hit 20, or get gangbanged by three of them.


Immersive Creatures will seriously slap you in the face when you install it, or at least it slapped me. Adds a number of varied (some lore-unfriendly, but thats toggleable) creatures into Skyrim who tend to be a lil tougher than usual. I don't think they're leveled, but I havn't used it long enough to notice (I personally dislike this mod.)


That's about all I know! That's not really my kind of modding, so take my word with a grain of salt.

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Good thread, might be useful for me too.

Sometimes I just want that really cold Skyrim and harsh weather, trying to survive in the wilderness and the other times I like just using pretty ENBs and walking around the woods, enjoying the view. I just like the versatility in this game.

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Thanks everyone for your input :smile:


I'll definitely look at some of these mods. I'll have the full effect of Frostfall enabled for my vampire character. Juggling these effects + sun damage would either present an enormous challenge or simply make it tedious.


The Immersive Creatures mod I have looked at before, and it's not my thing (dinosaurs in Skyrim? Yuck). I'm no loregeek, but even that's going a bit too far for me. However I may be confusing this with a different mod.. it's been a long time since I really checked this mod out.


I tried Audio Overhaul once before and I find SoS to be more immersive, mostly because of the great dungeon sounds that it gives. The random screams makes me jump while sneaking through tombs or Dwemer ruins. Wearing surround sound headphones certainly helps :smile:


Any opinions about the Immersive First person mod and Headtracking?


Edit: I've created a Tumblr blog about this playthrough, for anyone who may be interested in checking it out. Link is in sig.

Edited by MethosTR
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Here's my must-have list:

  • Deadly Dragons + Dragon Combat Overhaul +SKREEE (10% version) - Dragons should not be dime-a-dozen loot pinatas. You should "loot pinata" in your pants when you hear one coming.
  • Follower Trap Safety - Reloading because Lydia is an idiot it not immersive gameplay.
  • ImmersiveUI_Lockpick Plus (the base version) + Minimal HUD (requires a lot of dinking to get set up) + No More Key Prompts - I use a few others, but using these three can almost entirely remove all the on-screen clutter Skyrim forces you to put up with.
  • No Killmoves - No Killbites - No etc., etc., etc. - Reloading because Bethesda said so is not immersive gameplay.
  • Realistic Jump Height and Damage (the 400 version, I think) + Realistic Ragdolls and Force + Realistic Run Speed - These together make you not Superman.
  • SILENT Skyrim + Smooth Blade Draw and Sheathe - These two remove almost, if not all, of the annoying bonks, boinks, dinks, and other bad-standup-comedy rimshots that happen whenever you take any action in Skryim. Oh, and the swords no longer sound like you're doing a pickscrape with a jackknife when you draw them.
  • Skyrim Redone - Overhauls so much stuff I can't even begin to describe it. I'm stuck using 0.99.16 (the last pre-DLC version), but I'm sure the newer versions are just as good. I did have to make a few edits (read: completely rebalance weapons, armor, races, etc.) to fine-tune things to my liking, but I'm fussy like that.
  • SkyTEST - Animals behave like animals. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes they behave like treasure chests that you have to whack a few times to open, but it's still better than vanilla.
  • SM Essential Player - See Follower Trap Safety and No Killwhatsits above. I use the "essential death only" setting. I'm sure that someone somewhere thinks turning into a ghost and having to fight your way back to your own corpse so you can loot your gear off it is a great idea, but I never played Everquest (or Ultima, or whichever game started that garbage), so I have no nostalgia for it.
  • Warburg's 3D Paper Map - Amazing how much difference this makes. Plus it looks neat as hell when you scroll around it. Looks 3D when it's moving, 2D when it's not. Freaky.


On the first-person mods:


I've tried both of them (Immersive First Person View and The Joy of Perspective), and both were pretty buggy and/or inconvenient to use: Don't ride a horse. Don't shoot a bow. Don't play a male. Don't like the default FoV. I'd love to use them (Oh, how I miss 3rd Person Animations in 1st Person View from Oblivion), but I'm not willing to put up with their downsides just so I can see my own toes.

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  On 7/3/2014 at 1:42 AM, Capncrass said:

Here's my must-have list:

  • Deadly Dragons + Dragon Combat Overhaul +SKREEE (10% version) - Dragons should not be dime-a-dozen loot pinatas. You should "loot pinata" in your pants when you hear one coming.
  • Follower Trap Safety - Reloading because Lydia is an idiot it not immersive gameplay.
  • ImmersiveUI_Lockpick Plus (the base version) + Minimal HUD (requires a lot of dinking to get set up) + No More Key Prompts - I use a few others, but using these three can almost entirely remove all the on-screen clutter Skyrim forces you to put up with.
  • No Killmoves - No Killbites - No etc., etc., etc. - Reloading because Bethesda said so is not immersive gameplay.
  • Realistic Jump Height and Damage (the 400 version, I think) + Realistic Ragdolls and Force + Realistic Run Speed - These together make you not Superman.
  • SILENT Skyrim + Smooth Blade Draw and Sheathe - These two remove almost, if not all, of the annoying bonks, boinks, dinks, and other bad-standup-comedy rimshots that happen whenever you take any action in Skryim. Oh, and the swords no longer sound like you're doing a pickscrape with a jackknife when you draw them.
  • Skyrim Redone - Overhauls so much stuff I can't even begin to describe it. I'm stuck using 0.99.16 (the last pre-DLC version), but I'm sure the newer versions are just as good. I did have to make a few edits (read: completely rebalance weapons, armor, races, etc.) to fine-tune things to my liking, but I'm fussy like that.
  • SkyTEST - Animals behave like animals. Most of the time, at least. Sometimes they behave like treasure chests that you have to whack a few times to open, but it's still better than vanilla.
  • SM Essential Player - See Follower Trap Safety and No Killwhatsits above. I use the "essential death only" setting. I'm sure that someone somewhere thinks turning into a ghost and having to fight your way back to your own corpse so you can loot your gear off it is a great idea, but I never played Everquest (or Ultima, or whichever game started that garbage), so I have no nostalgia for it.
  • Warburg's 3D Paper Map - Amazing how much difference this makes. Plus it looks neat as hell when you scroll around it. Looks 3D when it's moving, 2D when it's not. Freaky.


On the first-person mods:


I've tried both of them (Immersive First Person View and The Joy of Perspective), and both were pretty buggy and/or inconvenient to use: Don't ride a horse. Don't shoot a bow. Don't play a male. Don't like the default FoV. I'd love to use them (Oh, how I miss 3rd Person Animations in 1st Person View from Oblivion), but I'm not willing to put up with their downsides just so I can see my own toes.


A lot of good mods you've suggested. The only ones I'd probably have an issue with are skeleton replacers (I have mods I really like that may conflict with them), and the Warburg map replacer isn't my style.

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Warburg's 3D Paper Map <--- Definitely. I think I use texture 2. It outlines the holds and looks like a legit old time map.


Audio Overhaul for sure, along with Immersive Sounds (they are compatible). Immersive Sounds alone has brought new life to my game. It has been constantly dropping my jaw on this new playthrough.


Immersive HUD and Less Intrusive Hud 2 can make the game really nice for you. I don't play with crosshairs (EVER!!!!!!!!!) and I've become an expert at bow shooting and magic casting. Crossbows are a little harder at first but you'll get the hang of it.



Project Ultimatum is really sick too. It adds a number of features I have always wanted and changes things around to be more lore friendly.


And finally, I have more of a recommendation, than a mod from me personally. If you play a female, or have female followers, try not to dress them up in ridiculous (but sexy) armor. That's not immersive at all. It's hard not too, but you could always get something like 'Wardrobe Manager' and set up where they change into something visually appealing when at home or in town etc.

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  On 7/3/2014 at 8:33 PM, dennis20014 said:

Warburg's 3D Paper Map <--- Definitely. I think I use texture 2. It outlines the holds and looks like a legit old time map.


Audio Overhaul for sure, along with Immersive Sounds (they are compatible). Immersive Sounds alone has brought new life to my game. It has been constantly dropping my jaw on this new playthrough.


Immersive HUD and Less Intrusive Hud 2 can make the game really nice for you. I don't play with crosshairs (EVER!!!!!!!!!) and I've become an expert at bow shooting and magic casting. Crossbows are a little harder at first but you'll get the hang of it.



Project Ultimatum is really sick too. It adds a number of features I have always wanted and changes things around to be more lore friendly.


And finally, I have more of a recommendation, than a mod from me personally. If you play a female, or have female followers, try not to dress them up in ridiculous (but sexy) armor. That's not immersive at all. It's hard not too, but you could always get something like 'Wardrobe Manager' and set up where they change into something visually appealing when at home or in town etc.


Always wanted to use Immersive HUD. I think if I install Immersive first person, I'll definitely get that as well, since crosshair aiming in the latter is a bit off.


Now I'm wondering if it'll be easier to just back up my entire data folder to another location, delete the one in the default path, let Steam rebuild it, and reinstall the above mods... at the cost of probably never playing my main save (level 82) again. I have a ton of mods that may or may not play nice with ones like SkyRe or others.


When I began a new save recently, I noticed that even if I uncheck their esp's in NMM, they still load in the MCM. When I check them out, it does say that their scripts are not running. Just want to make sure whether or not this is safe to continue on a new save with other (possibly incompatible) mods installed.

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