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Hardcore Immersive Playthrough. Any suggestions for mods?


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Immersive First Person is sweet, but I ended up only using it for horse back riding, and only cause I hated the camera being so far away. I want to try dynamic head tracking, but when I used it on it's release it was bad. My guy was turning his head every which way 24/7 haha


In theory, you should be okay as long as the plugins aren't checked. If you're going to use SkyRe though & the MCM menus are showing, I would suggest that you just delete your Skyrim folder entirely. Better safe than sorry on that. You'll have to boot up NMM and then let it uninstall the mods (even though they are already gone).


I know it's a pain and TAKES FOREVER to reinstall all of it but it's worth it in the end.

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Meh, I just decided to make clean saves of the characters I care about and uninstall the mods I don't need anymore. Also kind of cleaned them up with the save game cleaners I have.


I'm beginning my playthrough today :)

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I prefer NMM. Mod Organizer has caused problems for me in the past.


So far the mods are playing nice with each other. Configuring the Immersive First Person mod is a... process. However, the results are worth it :)


The improvement to the game given by these mods has really resulted in a paradigm shift in how I get a character off the ground. About 4 hours of gameplay so far and I'm only level 6 :D As well as 6 bleedouts (Death Alternative mod) and 3 reloads.


On top of all this, Frostfall really makes it brutal sometimes. I was taken out by a skeleton while trudging along with like 80% exposure, and it took forever to trudge along to find my gear that had been taken when I "died". That hardcore setting really piles a lot of crap on you at high exposure ratings.


Granted I'm still learning the intricacies of these mods.

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On the first-person mods...


Addendum to this: I recently discovered Skyrim - Enhanced Camera, and it's everything I hoped the other two first person mods would be. Namely: Functional. There's an .ini file you can mess with if you want to tweak stuff, but it works correctly and reliably right out of the box. Just install it and go.


Best immersion mod since Frostfall made it stupid to walk around Antarctica in your underwear.

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On the first-person mods...


Addendum to this: I recently discovered Skyrim - Enhanced Camera, and it's everything I hoped the other two first person mods would be. Namely: Functional. There's an .ini file you can mess with if you want to tweak stuff, but it works correctly and reliably right out of the box. Just install it and go.


Best immersion mod since Frostfall made it stupid to walk around Antarctica in your underwear.



Yes, Enhanced Camera is really great! Also [Animations is cool too; it adds animations for various actions, like opening a door, harvesting plants, looting chests, etc. I'm not sure if it's compatible with EC, but EC has an option to force first person for 3rd person animations. Still worth a try, though.

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Skyrim Enhanced Camera

Best First Person mod there is no need to tweek anything or adjust menu's, its ready to go out of the box. No need to alter outfits/meshes, no fuss and no hassle get what you want no effort.


Things I gotta say though,

I already tried playing a vampire with sun vulnerability and frostfall. It's extremely difficult, you lose the ability to get around at night fairly early in the game due to extreme cold weather and well forget about it if there is snow or rain. Which means you have to travel in the day and this means waiting for weather that isn't a clear day which happens all too often in my opinion, there are too many clear days. So that means you need to get a mod that allows you to take refuge in the shadows. It gets complicated pretty fast and then dealing with your blood needs.


Which brings me to this,

Vampires don't mix well with mortal needs. Frostfall doesn't make a lot of since when your vampire powers and age start to pick up.

Realistic Needs and Disease also wont make since as a Vampire. It'll quickly get tedious...You might not actually get much adventure in so much as spend most of your time handling your needs and trying to get your blood which wont be easy cause its too cold out to hunt at night and in the day well haha you burn up.


A werewolf playthrough with those mods now that would make a lot of since and I think there are mods that consider them too.

Werewolf Overhaul, I think there is a more up to date one on another page by same author though.


There is

iNeed which is a lot easier to handle and keeps with the needs idea as an alternative to other need mods.

Edited by gamefever
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I do the same at the moment :smile:

A hardcore, immversive and realistic playthrough with a fixt RP character that never goes OoC.


Here are some of the mods i use, you might like them.


Climates Of Tamriel

I want to point out the darker nights and dungeons. Those make the game much more immersive.


Drinking Fountains of Skyrim

Fresh water is always good with RND.


Lock Overhaul

It always breaks immersion when my My 2h mace Orc or Mage are good at lockpicking.

This mod adds spells for alteration and destruction to unlock locks.

It also adds lock bashing for fighing characters. Highly adjustable.


Wearable Lanterns

With the darker nights and dungeons, you need a light source.

Wit this mod you can add a lantern to your belt so you can still use 1h+shiel or 2h weapons.

Dont run out of lantern oil :)


If you like to RP like me, Alternate Start - Live Another Life is a must have addon.

It gives the star of the game a new twist and set up your RP character.


Have fun

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Yes, Enhanced Camera is really great! Also [Animations is cool too; it adds animations for various actions, like opening a door, harvesting plants, looting chests, etc. I'm not sure if it's compatible with EC, but EC has an option to force first person for 3rd person animations. Still worth a try, though.



Thanks for pointing that one out. It has a few quirks, but nothing I'm unwilling to put up with. Seems to work just fine with Enhanced Camera, at least from my initial testing.

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