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Crashes when i fire guns and hit things


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wheall i almowst give up :wallbash:

it crashes when i or enyone fires guns or hit somting exept erth i play fallout without heads and it crashes :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

sory i can"t rwite good .Bad english. :( . what i ment is theat i have a low grafic card radeon 9550 . and i removed the heads fhrom the ini file becose my game crashed on startup . and of corse i changed the sheder renamed it actuali . all good but insted of frecvent crashes the game crashes ownly when i get shot hit burnd blown up etc .ore some npc in the vew range et shot hit burnd blown up etc

ps i use the standard edition

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I just couldn't resist...


If you play fallout without heads, you don't really need guns anyway.


Where can I get the headless version? I wouldn't ever need the bloody mess perk ever again.




Try removing all your add-on mods and then adding them back one-at-a-time and checking if the problem still persists after each one.

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This can also be an audio instead of an graphical bug (software/hardware).

Look in every direction!



I just couldn't resist...


If you play fallout without heads, you don't really need guns anyway.


Where can I get the headless version? I wouldn't ever need the bloody mess perk ever again.




Try removing all your add-on mods and then adding them back one-at-a-time and checking if the problem still persists after each one.

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