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Different Nightvisions


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Well, I've searched and haven't really found an answer.

In my long list of mods I'm using powered night vision goggles by antistar. Suffice to say I love the crap out of this thing, but because of chronic migraines I'm a bit sensitive to a few things. Sunlight, bright artificial lights like neon/halogen and unfortunately ...high green. Now, I know it has a couple brightness settings but I found the default value too dark to really be helpful.


My question is, how do I change the overlaid color? I like to play in the dark often and red lights work best for me so I guess you can see where this is going. I have a very limited knowledge of modding except from my own homes in oblivion.


I'm sorry if this post is long, I know some people just look at how much text is in a post and decide to just skip it.

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So you want a red overlay instead of green?


I use the same mod. After some poking in GECK, I think I found how to change it.


If you have the GECK:

open up the esp

then select "ImageSpace Modifiers" from under the World menu.

Scroll down til you find NVGNightvisionISFX (or the 2x bright one right above it).


There's a color picker on there that should do the trick though.


Here's a screenshot.


Don't have time to test it right now, but I went ahead and made an esp that changes the color to reddish. I'll pm you a download link so that you can see it, but I think it'd be better for you to make your own.

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Thank you evilneko (used to have 14 indoor cats and 18-30 wildlings out doors taming them to find homes) I'll try that in the geck as well as take a look at your esp for comparison. Defiantly getting kudos :thanks:
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