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anyone else notice how retardedily easy its becoming to cheat them????


i could get all the DLC for any game and friggin give it to my freinds!!!


i can pay 50 bucks them sell it for half price making profit!


why yesterday i saw gamestop had a USED! copy of Fallout 3 DLC (the first two) I MEAN COME ON! USED!?

what they did is downloaded it and got a full refund


this can also be done with FULL copies of games



NOTE TO MODS..im not trying to show people how to im just saying does anyone else agree

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It's extremely uncommon to get a refund on opened software. Anything sitting on GameStop's (or anyone else's) used rack was purchased as used -- meaning the store didn't pay retail or even wholesale price for it.


What a person may have done with a copy of software they purchased is not the store's responsibility, nor is it any of their business.



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@ yugimawa, obviously you've never sold a game back to GameStop / EBgames (and that's good, I commend you for that). Those used games you see on their shelves barely cost them anything. Some are from their own warehouses and just had damage to the packaging, others are from people who trade-in or sell their games back. They almost NEVER give a refund on anything opened unless it's a parent screaming "wtf did you sell my kid."


And when they buy or trade-in games from people, the system is designed to rip you off, and quite painfully. Say you purchase Fallout for 50 bucks on Monday. By Wednesday you decide the game is crap and you want your money money. Tough, it's not happening, but you can sell it back to them for store credit, not cash. You say fine, you'll just use the 50 "credits" to get that other game you like. Wrong again. Even though you only had the game 2 and a half days and the packaging is still in pristine condition, you're only getting 20 store credits for it, and that's IF the game is still in high demand. Their highest value trade-in ever, was Madden Football, if you took it back the same night you purchased it, they gave you half your money back in the form of store credit.


Companies that big don't stay big by letting people rip them off, they do it by ripping you off and making you think they did you a favor.

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I never buy from GameStop, much less sell them anything. Most the ones around here have tiny PC game selections anyway, and I haven't bought and don't own a console since the SNES. But damn, now I know I'll never sell anything to GameStop. Better off at Half-Price Books!
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