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Godmode ammo


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Not really. ToggleGodMode is a debugging tool and can't be altered in any way. The only way to do what you say would be to track when the player uses their weapon and "manually" deplete the ammunition. I don't expect you'll find many people who can do this and think it worth the effort.



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You could use some of the console commands to alter your health, carry weight, and damage resistances. As far as I know (could be wrong) it seems that the damage resistances is capped at 95% but with something like an insanely high number of hit points it wouldn't matter much.


if it will help, use "player.setav x" and replace x with damageresist, radresist, fireresist, poisonresist, health, carryweight. I'm not too certain on the poison one, but I threw it in there for good measure. Now all you really have to worry about is crippling limbs from falling heights and rads, but with a radiation resist of 95% its not too much of a problem. Anyway...just my two cents.

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