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If you were in Dragons age


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I'd grab Bhellin and Harrowmont each by the back of the head and slam their faces together. And tell um that's what they get for pissin me off. Then Drag them off to the Proving Grounds by their beards. give um both a dagger and tell um to settle it like men. Winner gives me the troops I need.


I'd spike Oghren's ale with spanish fly and viagra. then grab my dog, and run!


After being given lands, I'd have given them to the Elves and went home to Highever.


I'd have gotten Zev sloshed out of his effin elven mind and taken him to see Flemeth while telling him she's got a crush on him the entire way there.

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I'd keep Shale, but I'd ride into battle on her shoulders lol


I was hoping to use Shale to beat Caridin, for I failed at that when I tried before, so I had to side with him to continue... lol


but I'd really want to side with Branka for my next playthrough...!

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I had a dirty thought for one (OMG!)


For those fimiliar with the Dalish Side Quest involving Camen's love, you'll know that you can end up stealing his girl...totally would be a jerk and do that lol

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British- Hahahaha yeah, I've thought about trying that with the Dalish to see what the romanced characters reactions would be.


Sabiale- Who knows. Maybe have a chance for that in the expansion. The Architect (in the book) has the ability to convert Wardens ;)

Utha, who will be one of his sidekicks in the expansion was a Warden before she joined him/it.

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I got another...I'd take a really deep breath in Ferelden and just see what it smells like. People keep saying Wet Dog, so If that's true, I'd leave lol
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LOL they actually tamed that down. In the books, foreigners refer to ferelden as smelling like dog dung.

Dunno, if that's true, I may not want to take that deep of a breath, lol. Good point tho!


Meh, Morrigan didnt even bat an eyelid at me bedding the elf. How disappointing. I was hoping for another of her fits of jealousy!

Odd that, since she threw a fit about me getting kissed by the chick in redcliffe.


I thnk I'd have to go in and teach them that when you have a large force invading the town that you dont leave your infantry standing so far away from the gates. (Denerim)

Or that if you've got an army of undead coming at you thru a mountainside passage, that you attack them from above the walls of said passage, rather than standing out in the open where the passage turns into a CLEARING! Or if you plant a firetrap, you put it further up the passage where they can't just walk right around it! (Redcliffe)

But that's just me.

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