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If you were in Dragons age


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i would kill all the people that believe in the maker 'Kill's Leliana' and then i would make love to alistair then Zevran and smile about it (im a girl cant choose which guy i like the most) then when we arrive at orzammar and they tell us to go do errands i will kill both kings and then tell em to give me an army or i shall kill em all, not like i need em i never ever use em. when in the elf village and he tells us of the trouble he has i will stab him kill all the people and then at mages tower i will go through door meet wynne, tell her to go fcuk herself and go sit in the corner while i kill all mages and abominations. and when i meet that stupid demon i say 'wait' and then he stops i walk up to him pretend ot whisper in his ear when i really stab him in the chest and he drops to the floor i meet that knight and tell i kill all the mages and uldred. I meet uldred before i kill him i wait till he makes all mages abominations, kill em all then tell the templar and i get them as an army. i go redcliffe let the demons take over town and then i enter the castle and kill the boy knock out the old woman and wake up the old man.


sorry if makes no sense but thats what i would do if it was me :D

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It seems a lo of people have beef with the kings of Orzammar lol. I think I'd drag the both of them down there with me, or make them join the Legion of the Dead
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i would have fireballed branka after she said she killed her intire house trying to find the anvil.


Actually, I'd let Oghren take his axe to her (but sadly, I know he wouldn't)...plus, I need the anvil, at least till after the blight

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How exciting...

Use a revival spell on Andraste's Ashes so she can come back and correct the Chantry for being such Fascists...

Well I would probably just go all Rite of Annulment on the Assembly[Orzammar] OR force them into the Legion of the Dead...

Use Branka and the Anvil to make golems which will recover all 12 thaigs, then destroy them both...

Free Elves from the Alienage and Release them from slavery/servitude and establish a Formal State for the Dalish...

End hostilities with the Orlesians...Fereldans need to grow up, honestly...Sacrifice Alistair to the Archdemon and let Loghain rule Fereldan...

I know he's a lying, deceiving b-tard, but he's not stupid and he had fairly understandable reasons for retreating...

I mean, it could be argued whether or not Loghain's additional troops would have won the battle...Cailan was indeed a fool...

Thinking one can end the Blight in one huge battle is silly...

I'd slay the Dragon in the Frostback Mountains and get Wade to make me some BA equipment and then retire in secrecy to Antiva or Val Royeaux with Leliana, Zevran, and Mhairi and pursue an 'open relationship.' [Oh what fun it will be...]

Oh, yeah, and I'd kill Flemeth and let Morrigan have her fun fighting her for eternity[since she believes Flemeth will return, I need someone to keep Flemeth away from me, and everyone else for that matter.].

Sten will get his sword back and he can return to his people. Good riddance, though I have nothing against him really. He's respectable.

Wynne can go perish in a hole for all I care. I know she's wise and experienced and all, but she's doesn't have to be such a nosy b-...

I've never known Shale and I don't care to...

Oh, and Goldanna...I will personally cut out her tongue and bury her alive...

I think I just solved everyone's problems...Including my own...

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LOL that sounds a lot more like a "harem" than "open relationship" :laugh:

Now that I'm thinking about the points that you made, I'd put leliana in charge of the chantry. She's devoted to her faith, but open minded and good hearted enough to make them do things RIGHT.


The Assembly.... I'd throw them all to the Proving Grounds, with no rules. Those that survive, can retire to their estates. Those that don't, can retire to a 6x6 plot of land. :biggrin:

Or would that be a 6x3 in their case?


The idea of making them take arms to the deep roads has some very, very big appeal. But legion of the dead are casteless...it would dishonor their decendants.


I'd have to come back in a year or so, march into the palace (with that "I own the place" strut that femme characters have) grab Bhelen by the beard and ask "Ok butthead, where's that big paragon statue of me that I asked for!?"

"get to it, or you're not going to be breeding any heirs!"

And yes...I know I've said something about it before, but OH GAWD do I wanna let Shale turn that sidekick of his, into TOE JAM! Hmmmm.... tar and feather him. Parade him around a little bit, then tell Shale that he's a chicken. Hmmmmmmmmmmm.


Oh, and if one more person calls me "Knife Ears" again, I'll teach them a thing or two about knives and ears! (just started an elf char. that one really doesnt like that term).


Meh, if Goldanna needs money so bad, she can come to work for me. Cleaning out the castle outhouses. Drop her pay at the bottom. Give meaning to that phrase "If you're going to dig for gold, you have to get your hands dirty" Oh, is that a sovereign or is it... well, you know. :wink:

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