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Weird Freezing when saving?


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It just started recently but im not even lvl 10 and whenever i autosave (leave a building etc) fast travel, normal save or quicksave my whole game freezes for like 1-2 minutes then resumes. it still saves the game but its so annoying and i do not know whats causeing it. i have2 game files on my computer because my wife plays this game as well XD but any help would be appreciated.
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Besides what Fonger said you may have save bloat. This is caused by scripts that use "placeatme" to move items, NPC,s and other objects to the player making a new copy each time it does without removing the previous one. Too many items with persistent references also causes bloat, because they are never removed from the game even on cell reset or respawn.


Check the size of your saves. At level 10 they shouldn't be over around 10MB depending on how many mods you use, if any, and which quests you've done. Every single thing you do is recorded in your save games. That includes things added and removed from your inventory, level up info, mod items added and removed, quests completed, etc, etc.


You can check for bloat with Wrye Bash and it will fix it if it exists.


If you are using any mods you might want to post a load order and someone may see something that's a potential problem and causing the freezing.


Another thing you should do is disable all autosaves as they are well know for becoming corrupted over time and can affect hard saves eventually. Quick save is OK, I use it all the time, BUT, I delete it every time I load the game and create a new one. That is if the game didn't crash and I lose hours of progress, which doesn't happen either because I save a LOT. Especially this game when you never know when it's going to hiccup for no apparent reason.

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Besides what Fonger said you may have save bloat. This is caused by scripts that use "placeatme" to move items, NPC,s and other objects to the player making a new copy each time it does without removing the previous one. Too many items with persistent references also causes bloat, because they are never removed from the game even on cell reset or respawn.


Check the size of your saves. At level 10 they shouldn't be over around 10MB depending on how many mods you use, if any, and which quests you've done. Every single thing you do is recorded in your save games. That includes things added and removed from your inventory, level up info, mod items added and removed, quests completed, etc, etc.


You can check for bloat with Wrye Bash and it will fix it if it exists.


If you are using any mods you might want to post a load order and someone may see something that's a potential problem and causing the freezing.


Another thing you should do is disable all autosaves as they are well know for becoming corrupted over time and can affect hard saves eventually. Quick save is OK, I use it all the time, BUT, I delete it every time I load the game and create a new one. That is if the game didn't crash and I lose hours of progress, which doesn't happen either because I save a LOT. Especially this game when you never know when it's going to hiccup for no apparent reason.


Well i do you OMM for my mods but can i run OMM and Wyre Bash togeather? I dont even know how to use Bash XD

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You can run OBMM and Wrye side by side with no issues. Wrye actually has a plugin to check for OBMM and if its there you can launch it directly from Bashs interface. Only peice of real hassle saving advice would be if you have both (and I do, btw) get used to using one installer or the other. I prefer BAIN (Wrye's custom installer) over OBMM's OMOD, but I can see why some people prefer the later. Don't mix and mash those. Use one or the other. Probably best off sticking with OMOD's if thats what you are used to and just using Bash for its other features (like the save game bloat fixing, the Bashed Patch, Mod Ghosting, stuff like that)

To be honest it would take years to explain half of what Wyre can do for you, but the docs on the official page (linked in the download page on the Nexus file servers, the read me, or just google it) are great and tend to explain things really thoroughly without giving non-computer geeks a nerd overdose.



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