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City Of Fire


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cool, i'll give you some assginments now Switch, oh and by the way my new email is:


[email protected]


Switch, i want you to make me an imperial prison interior for my city jail .i would like it to have a minium secrity zone and a maxium secrity zone one as well, just do what you want, and we will build an exterior for it once you send it.





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I tried the new e-mail (I assumed it ended with .com) still having delivery failures.


Reporting-MTA: dns;TASMS01.TAS.local

Received-From-MTA: dns;web80211.mail.yahoo.com

Arrival-Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2003 22:56:47 -0500


Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected]

Action: failed

Status: 5.1.1


Am I doing something wrong? there was no attachment to the message.

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Um, Kethruch,


It could possiably be a broblem with your e-mail, do you have another one you can try it with. It would be odd for and e-mail not to work so many times on so many different sddresses. And if it isn't your e-mail, it might be your computer or internet connection. Do you have another computer you can try it on?



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cool, i'll give you some assginments now Switch, oh and by the way my new email is:


[email protected]    


Switch, i want you to make me an imperial prison interior for my city jail .i would like it to have a minium secrity zone and a maxium secrity zone one as well, just do what you want, and we will build an exterior for it once you send it.





Er right. What I just make that without any of the rest of the plugin, and you can merge it? (Sorry I don't have much of an idea about how this stuff works).


EDIT: Nevermind, Theta says it would work (she knows about these things!) :P

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I can e-mail apparently everyone but you or JAZZA. Please e-mail me and I'll try to reply to it. I have a friend who's an expert coming to run some diagnostics, but I had to e-mail him to see if he could come.


Here's a LONG post of another of the things I came up with. Jazza - this has to do with what you PMed me about.


The Soliloquy from King Kerand’s Ghost


Kerand in his armor steps forward on the stage. Behind him, a gathering of actors, dimly lit sit as if awaiting something.


When it is in the name of man that man must fight against himself

‘Tis it not he himself that must decide which path to take?

For whichever choices he makes, whatever the outcome,

There is always a road that is not taken, and yet

Do we not move forward with certainty, as if in all that we do we had no choice?

Aye, we must, for if it becomes known what is forbidden to us to know

What and how our actions, sublime, as slinky shadows in twilight

Or overt, as the shine and sound of the headsman’s axe creating

The all too familiar thump that is the true sound of finality

Or both, as the fear that grips us at the sound of great beast’s wings

Would have, no, could have changed the very fabric of being, we should go mad.

But yet, this ‘gift’ as it is called by those ignorant in the ways of the mind

Has indeed surfaced, in me, and in such affliction, in such time

I must therefore ask myself, “Am I mad?” Or is it

That in the asking of the question, I am proving it both ways?

I cry to the heavens “Amalexia, leave me alone!” Though I know it does no good.

The Molarns' blood, wet, red, sticky, very much like my own

Is on my hands. For I have been given this unwanted gift,

This curse, this affliction, to save the rest of humanity from dropping -

Dropping into the void of those whose voice is strangled by the fear of seeing –

Seeing what they know to be the truth - that which no man can face.

Yet I must face it. That is my doom, my fate, my very reason for being.


(The gathering of actors now rise, and begin to act out what it was that Kerand saw)


For though true, that I, as an ant in a colony of hundreds of millions

Did not personally cause the destruction of the Molarns, I am guilty.

Guilty of all of the sins of my people, guilty of not understanding.

For in my hour of triumph, a great battle won, I went to the hills, proud, boasting, arrogant.

Yet in my arrogance did I perchance not espy the winds of change, winds most subtle

Swirled around, yet, their meaning only perceptible to one who wants to listen.

That was not I.

And in my glorious mood, did my escort fade into the trees, or so I must assume

For they, with me always, never more than a guar’s brainwidth away, were suddenly,

And surreptitiously away. Alone was I. A sensation that one in my position is rarely free to feel

Yet panic, apparently in on the cruel joke to come, did not come to my aid

Nor did any of the other emotions, that, while saving my sanity, would save my life as well

For I cried out not, not did I seek out those who could have heard my entreaty

And, in hearing, brought me back to the reality that is the City of Fire, for which I had now won peace.

Alone I went, still proud, still boastful, still arrogant.

Silently singing to the heavens and beasts “Look at me, a hero to my people!”

“Because of my deeds, my actions, will a new generation not know the ravages and horror

Of war not wanted.” Yet, even as my silent voice drifted o’er the forest as new fallen snow

I came upon that which has sealed my fate more surely than any enemy’s sword could.

There, in the clearing ahead of me, gathered as if warming themselves with the dying embers

Of the fire they called their freedom, stood the race of the Molarns.

Weeping they were, great sobs came from the women, children, even the men.

I approached on quiet feet, no longer so sure of myself and my deeds

For this side of their life had been as forgotten by us as their tenacity in battle was remembered

This was a defeated people, yet, even in their lamentations, a strength was in them,

A resolve to do the unthinkable. For, as I watched from my blind, they brought forth their holy book,

Their quiet resolve becoming an irresistible force as they began their long, slow, chant.

What they were chanting, I could not say, even after all this time can I not recall a single syllable

But, with darkness closing in like a shroud of death, I passed into a restless, sleepless, slumber.

Dreams. Dreams. Dreams of blood, dreams of screams, dreams of the horrors the war

No not THE war, MY war had wreaked upon these people flowed before my eyes

I drowned in the sheer volume of pains I had caused, pains that a million of my deaths

Could not assuage. The cries of the dead came to me, and still they pored over their beloved book.

Blood. Blood. Blood was flowing freely. Great rivers of it engulfed me and I struggled to swim

As if all of the blood of the war dead had come back, seeking vengeance for being spilled and forgotten

On the battlefields around the City of Fire. Finally, struggles ended, I broke the surface of the red sea and there

As a newborn does, I sucked in a breath of sweet mountain air and was awakened.

Before me all was as was before, though the chant had stopped as if the very rocks and trees themselves absorbed it, afraid to let it go.

The blood of the Molarn. The blood of the vanquished. The blood was spilt that night.

I stood transfixed, and, before my very sight, the survivors spilled their own blood, and the Molarn were no more


(Kerand draws his sword)

O, blessed Amalexia! I beg you, please! Forgive me for what I have done!

For it is not right that a man should live to see the error of his ways, when that error cannot be undone

And a people, not a person, but a people, perform the ultimate sacrifice.

The error made, yet the error displayed. Is this then my fate?

Am I the monster that I had decried the Molarn to be?

Is the monster the one to go on living? Nay. I say nay.

For in the shadows of the Molarnic woods did the monster

As the darkness must when dawn to the land returns

Disappear from the world. In its place came a man. A man with all of the memories,

All of the scars, all of the feelings that had been the monster’s. Such cannot be,

For, as I began, such is more than a man can bear. The road not taken eats at him

Eats and devours, never sated, never stopping, until such time

As the man can no longer be a man. And thusly, the keen edge of his wit gone

To the keen edge of the sword must he rely.


(Kerand falls on his sword)

(Quick change – Kerand now in white, over a skeleton where he fell)


What is this? Why am I here, looking down on what I caused?

These bones, picked clean by the lowest on the world, yet even this is more than I deserve.

‘O Molarnic people! I beg thy forgiveness. Please, let my spirit go.

Yet I hear no answer, no rush to forgive, for there are none to hear my plea.

Not twenty paces from this spot, their holy book it still lies, yet I cannot see it

Nor learn from its wisdom. I beg of thee Molarnic Gods! Allow me to make amends

For the bloodshed done in my name – your children’s blood forever gone from the world.

Accept me, let me see the wisdom of thy ways, for great was your power to trap the monster

And, now trapped, torture him beyond all reckoning. Am I never to see the other side?

I have no more blood to spill, though I would gladly if I could go where your children are -

Safe from my war-mongering ways. I would embrace thee and call thee my Lord,

If only you could give me the peace that you have given your children, safely by your side.

But no, there is no answer, there never has been.

For the great paradox is that we could never understand them in life, nor did we even want to

But in their death we find such meaning that even I wish to find the halcyon days

To which they went. Perhaps, some day, one will come who understands the ways of their most holy book

And can awaken their gods, and maybe, dare I even dream it? Maybe they will take me.

Maybe they will take me into the soft and gentle arms of the one who we never even took the time to learn about, and my days in the hell of this world will be over.


(Close curtain, end of Act III)

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Well I've pretty much finished that interior you asked me to work on jazza, though do you want me to do the NPC guards as well or will you leave that to someone else? It's just someone will have to go through and add ownership to all the items once the NPCs are in place.
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You work pretty fast Switch, thats exactly what we need :D


Well, if you want add NPC guards and such, go ahead. But if you want someone else to do it, we can do that also.


Also, OddGuy, I have e-mailed you a job.


Thanks alot




(Who is going to be lucky enough to do the 100th post of this forum) :P

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