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Over-Encumbered - Fallout 3 Style


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There is no need to mess with the player speed stats. Using OBSE functions, you can disable the run keys (deactivate first if in run mode, of course) so the player can't run. A simple feather spell can "trick" the game's hardcoded over-encumbrance handling.
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  • 8 months later...

There is no need to mess with the player speed stats. Using OBSE functions, you can disable the run keys (deactivate first if in run mode, of course) so the player can't run. A simple feather spell can "trick" the game's hardcoded over-encumbrance handling.


If it's so 'easy', why isn't there such a mod already? I hate leaving loot behind just because I'm over encumbered -.-


In FO3 it only took ages to get back but it was atleast possible ._.

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Seeing as many people have written to this topic, I thought I'd just share the links to the mods I'm using.


I'm using several mods to get the right feel for the game, along with having changed some of the various settings in their .ini files and such.



More Realistic Encumberment and Fatigue

This mod basically does what this thread wants. The more weight you carry, the more your speed is gradually reduced. This alone should probably be enough to fill most people's needs.


It wasn't enough for me though, so I grabbed a few more mods.



Realistic Fatigue

abo2 made several realism mods, and this is one of them. It's highly customizable, and thus you can tweak it very much to your liking. I use this mod along with the "More Realistic Encumbrance.esp" option from the previous mod, so that one handles encumbrance and this one handles fatigue. Realistic Fatigue also makes you and enemies have some chance of tripping and staggering with low fatigue, meaning that reducing the fatigue of your enemies can now be pretty useful.


I also use Vim and Vigor for Cobl with this. Vim and Vigor vastly increases your available fatigue and takes away all your fatigue regeneration, except through sleep and potions. But I found that even with Vim and Vigor being loaded after Realistic Fatigue, I was still regenerating fatigue, and further simply having any weight on my character reduced my total available fatigue. So I went into the Realistic Fatigue .ini and completely eliminated the fatigue drain caused by encumbrance and removed all fatigue regeneration, but also reduced the various fatigue burns somewhat, so I'm pretty sure it now works quite realistically.


Realistic Armor Weights

Realistic Weapon Weights

The two above mods by Galn, which basically decrease armor and weapon weights all around. I was already feeling quite bothered by the weights in the game, because I've held swords before. They DON'T weight 44 pounds, even a two-handed sword. In researching it, I discovered that a real-life two-handed sword weighs between about 3 and 8 pounds. Any sword heavier than that was used for ceremonies or parades or what not. And that's for the TWO-handed swords. A longsword or short sword weighs even less. The Daedric dagger my character is currently carrying weighed 10 pounds before. Now it's 0.3.



Lightweight Potions

Change the weight of all the player-made potions to .2 pounds. You can change all the remaining potions in the game too using the .ini file.



Storage Sacks

This mod gives you ten sacks that you can rename. Each sack has its own weight, and any items you put in it increase its weight and go toward your encumbrance. But the nice thing is that you can just drop one or more sacks if you need to--say, just before you get in a fight--thus reducing your weight accordingly. Very nice for easier fighting. There was actually a mod I found on here a long time ago, called Carry Sacks and also made by abo2, that did pretty much what Storage Sacks, except better: instead of going into your inventory to drop a sack, you could just press a hotkey and your character would drop the sacks, making the matter even easier.



MD Saddlebags

This is the only one I haven't tested myself yet. With this one you can buy saddlebags for your horse, and then you could put one or more of your regular sacks from Storage Sacks in the saddle bags, making it even easier and more realistic to carry loot and stuff around.



With all of these mods enabled, I even went into the .ini file for Realistic Fatigue and reduced the weight my character could carry. I did a little research and found that apparently even the strongest weightlifters in the world generally can't lift much more than 200 pounds. It might be different if you were carrying a backpack though--I think you could probably carry more weight that way.



Anyway, as long as I'm in the mod request forum, I suppose I may as well request a mod. First of all, would anyone want to combine all these encumbrance, fatigue, weight, and sack/bag mods together? Altogether I think they make for a much more realistic experience. I think you'd want to put them into an OMOD, so the player could which features to take and such.


It'd also be nice to be able to have a good mod for dropping bags with a hotkey, like with Carry Sacks. And also, a mod that could automatically sort items into bags, as with some of the other bag mods out there, would generally make things easier.


One more idea I've had is about potions. My understanding is that with vanilla Oblivion, as soon as you gain a level of alchemy, the first potion that you make when gaining that level determines the weight of all future potions, up until gain another alchemy level. So if your first potion used a pumpkin and a watermelon or something then the resulting potion would weigh 2 pounds or something--but then all future potions until your next level up would also weigh 2 pounds, even if they just use 2 ingredients that each weigh .1 pounds! So instead, potion weight would be determined by the weight of all the foods used to make it.


This is a little bit of my own contribution, mentioning all these related mods on one thread.


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