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Vault 5 Door Retexture Request


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I request a vault door retextured to have a 5. I am aware I could do it myself, etc. but my retexturing work is sloppy at best.




Regardless, if someone wants bonus points, I request a Vault 5 Jumpsuit, with blood stains if possible, if not then just the jumpsuit.





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If you have photoshop or any image editing program, you could use this and this. I took the time to make some Vault 5 stuff for you with those resources, the suits for male and female with a bit of blood and a gear door, but no normal maps because I'm a bit busy at the moment, so you'll have to make those yourself. You should probably contact the authors of those mods just to confirm if they can be used in NV, but I'm pretty sure the textures are the same in both games. Still, better safe than sorry.

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Thanks a lot





ALSO, an issue with the Vault Door, the five on the front is not properly shown on the center of the gear. The gear itself is perfectly textured, including the five on the back of the gear is properly shown. The exception is the front.

Edited by BerlinRunner
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