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Male Or Female Character

The Extreme TES

Male Or Female Character?  

61 members have voted

  1. 1. What Do You Prefer?

    • Male Character
    • Female Character

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Clothes and armour are no problem for me - if I want something for my guys, I make it. :)

And I love you for it, Slof. Since I play male characters (I'm a guy myself) and there are so few really good armor and clothing mods for men, your mods are godsend. Admittedly, I don't use everything in them because I'm not particularly enamored to crotches of either gender, but I believe my point stands

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All these ladies posted in this order on this, your own thread.


A chick who plays chick. It's matter of immersion. I have one male character, but I cannot empathize to guys.

Female. As a female I can't roleplay male characters because not surprisingly I don't know what it's like to be a guy.

female and the same reason as SavageArtistry :)

Same as girls above, I'm female playing female only. I cannot relate to a male character I guess.


And If I ever wanted to play a guy, I'd like to make him handsome and cute but not to girlsh (aaah, maybe that's a little immature, but i'd rather had the johny depp type sweet evil mage than some generic dull nord warrior :P), and the are not many posibillities - I don't like Ren's male mystic elves, and I don't know any other male face beauty mod. The vanilla ones are just ugly :P

Being female I play mostly female characters although I do have a male character that I made to do the Dark Brotherhood quest.

I always play female, and not just because I'm a female, but because in game I'm a bad ass female with a cute arse :P Nothing thrills me more than to be chameleon like, changing my tactics as the situation dictates and being able to knock down anything- male, beast or female that crosses me. I like looking pretty and sexy, yet being deadly if the situation calls for it.


I've had male companions or mercs in games, but I'm always the top dog, alpha female :cool:


Then you wrote:

I always play female, and not just because I'm a female, but because in game I'm a bad ass female with a cute arse :P Nothing thrills me more than to be chameleon like, changing my tactics as the situation dictates and being able to knock down anything- male, beast or female that crosses me. I like looking pretty and sexy, yet being deadly if the situation calls for it.


I've had male companions or mercs in games, but I'm always the top dog, alpha female :cool:


Hah! xD First female i seen on TesNexus...xD Though what are you meaning with word arse? xD And that part of being sexy i understand it xD

Completely Illogical.http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c117/SeaBlossom/icons/th_overhead.gif



As for me, being a female myself, I tend to prefer playing girls, but I do have one male character, carefully modeled in both personality and looks after my husband. All my girls tend to have some aspect of my personality in them.

I'm one of those women who loves being a woman, in real life. I "grew up on" Mario and Tomb Raider so I prefer to play in third person.

Edited by myrmaad
forgot to add which perspective I prefer.
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I play mostly as male characters because from what I've grown up on. Men are knights in shinning armor, or wise old mages with flowing white beards. It may sound a little off putting to any of you girls out there, but those are the stories I've heard as a kid, or the movies I've seen, playing Oblivion as a knight in shinning armor gives me a chance to kind of live that story or the movie. I can be that valient noble man who rides through peril and danger to get the girl. It may not make much sense, or it may make a lot of sense, but that is infact my two cents.
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I have both male and female characters. I use them both equally. :) at first I was playing only as a female because I'm a female myself but when decided to create a male character and I'm very satisfied with it. :) both of them reflects my personality and they're both dear to me so I can't and won't chose. :)
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