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[Armor + Effects] Armor of the Phoenix


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Ultimately the same armor design as the Warden Commander Armor as in the Soldiers Peak DLC.


The difference in my mind would be the gold trim around the majority of the armor be there but with small but visible flames lining the trim. As well as the crest on the chest be slightly flaming.


Stats to where its not OP but still a valuable piece of armor...


It would be classified as Massive Armor btw :)


Chest: Embrace of the Phoenix

Aura of Fire

+25% Fire Resist

+3 Stam regen in combat

+3 to all stats


Hands: Phoenix Talons

+5% Fire Resist

+5% Melee Crit Chance

+15% Melee/Backstab Damage


Feet: Boots of the Flame Walker

+20% Fire Resist

+2 to all stats

+2 Stam regen in combat


+20% Fire resist

+Chance to dodge melee

+Chance to avoid missle attacks


Let me know if this is possible :)

Please and Thank you

Aethos D'Kaari

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