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Summon Durnehviir Improved


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Don't you think Durnehviir is only useful in a few ways and should have more uses?

(All the idea's are in a new menu when you speak to him)

Here is my idea's for what he should be able to do:


Ridable (Ride on his back, faster than a horse)


Can make a Petty Soul Gem if you have a Soul Gem Shards in your inventory


Pick which Thu'um he uses


Can heal you when you have less than %50 health


Un-summon's himself when you ask


Can set up a portal to the Soul Cairn


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@reyzark Necromantic Dracolich should be the lead singer in a metal band named Orcish Cuirass.I know there's no band with that name ,but the term necromantic dracolich just hit a special place in My mind-hole.So for that I endorse this mod suggestion and the further proliferation of the term necromantic dracolich(especially for ex-girlfriends).

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@reyzark Necromantic Dracolich should be the lead singer in a metal band named Orcish Cuirass.I know there's no band with that name ,but the term necromantic dracolich just hit a special place in My mind-hole.So for that I endorse this mod suggestion and the further proliferation of the term necromantic dracolich(especially for ex-girlfriends).

all hail the nocromantic dracoliches :D

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