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Receive Emails for File Comments


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I would like to request

  1. the ability to receive emails when someone comments on one of my files
  2. an extension for Chrome to display the number of notifications I have on the nexus (not the forums)

I'm not requesting both. I'm requesting one or the other. I'm not extremely active here anymore, but I'd still like to respond to people that comment on my files with questions or suggestions. As it stands now, I have to check the page every day, which I never remember. Instead, I only end up remembering when I get an actual message (because I get emails for those). I'm set to get emails when someone posts in a topic I'm following in the forums, and I've followed the threads for my files, but they don't seem to count for these emails. I've searched my emails and haven't found anything relating to them. If I'm wrong, let me know and I'll look harder.

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