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FCOM Installation questions


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Hello, I have small problem with installing FCOM for my Oblivion.

Installing FCOM completely takes lot of time, so I need some informations first.


I'm following this instruction:



But I don't undestand few things:


1. FCOM requires Unofficial Oblivion Patches installed? Shall I install them b4 FCOM's installation?

2. FCOM requires Oblivion version 1.2.0416. So I have installed Shivering Isles right after installing original Oblivion. I did right thing?

3. I have downloaded and installed OMOD version of OOO 1.33 + patch 1.34. Shall I set its load order b4 installing another required mod - MMM? Or I can set load order when I finish installing all required mods?

4. I have OMOD version of MMM 3.55 and 7z version of 3.7b3 patch. In installation instruction its written that I have to 'extract' these files into Data folder. So it means I cannot use OMOD version of MMM 3.55? Shall I convert it into archive file and then extract it manually with 7z? If OMOD version is ok...

5. ...when installing OMOD version of MMM 3.55, installer ask me which version if MMM I want. There are 3 options - for Vanilla, for Fran and for OOO. If I want to make FCOM working, which version should I choose?

6. In MMM 3.7b3 patch readme I saw information, that I need to download some .bsa file.

It's size is 400mb. Do I need to download this file if I'm using OMOD version of MMM 3.55 and want to make FCOM working properly?

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Ok, yes you need the Unofficial Oblivion Patch before you start installing FCOM. Also you need the Official Patch for Oblivion before you start installing FCOM. You can install SI before either of the patches, but you will want the SI Unofficial SI Patch as well. You can use the OMOD version, but install the OMOD before the patch. For FCOM you want the vanilla. As for load order you can set it after all the installations, and I'd suggest using BOSS for that.
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Hello, I have small problem with installing FCOM for my Oblivion.

Installing FCOM completely takes lot of time, so I need some informations first.


I'm following this instruction:



But I don't undestand few things:


First and foremost (I cannot stress this enough), READ EVERYTHING FIRST!!!!! Do not think it is a waste of time to read it all, then start over and follow. You WILL be glad you did. Second, there is more than just that page. Look for the FCOM optional link, the FCOM wiki link, both the short and long load order links. the TOTO link... Basically scroll to the bottom of that site and click the "home" button. READ EVERYTHING!


If you don't, you will miss little things that will "screw the pooch" like having to manually rename a bsa, or where to get the latest small FCOM unofficial hotfix, or how to copy/rename and/or create an oblivion.esp. FCOM is huge, but it takes a lot more time reading about it than it does to install it!


1. FCOM requires Unofficial Oblivion Patches installed? Shall I install them b4 FCOM's installation?

2. FCOM requires Oblivion version 1.2.0416. So I have installed Shivering Isles right after installing original Oblivion. I did right thing?


Something that FCOM does say enough about is the initial install. Install Oblivion first, patch if needed. Install SI and patch if needed. Then install any of the DLC's you have. At this point, you would install any of the programs you will need to run it all. OBMM, Wrye Bash, Wrye Python, Python, Visual C++, OBSE, Pluggy, OBGE, BOSS etc.


Now you will need to install all of the unofficial plugins. Make sure you get the MOBS version! After all that, you can start your FCOM installation. **EDIT** I should also note that after the UOpatches installation is when I believe the best time is to add any texture packs you might want. Texture only packs, with no esp's or esm's. Like QTP3 Redimized.


3. I have downloaded and installed OMOD version of OOO 1.33 + patch 1.34. Shall I set its load order b4 installing another required mod - MMM? Or I can set load order when I finish installing all required mods?


You don't have to mess with the load order til you are finished with the initial FCOM install. If you only install what they tell you, and do it exactly the way they tell you, then FCOM will work perfectly. So you only need to set your load order, and build your bashed patch after you are finished with the instructions on installing FCOM.


After that, however, you will want to set load order and rebuild bashed patch everytime you install something new, then launch the game and look for bugs.


4. I have OMOD version of MMM 3.55 and 7z version of 3.7b3 patch. In installation instruction its written that I have to 'extract' these files into Data folder. So it means I cannot use OMOD version of MMM 3.55? Shall I convert it into archive file and then extract it manually with 7z? If OMOD version is ok...

5. ...when installing OMOD version of MMM 3.55, installer ask me which version if MMM I want. There are 3 options - for Vanilla, for Fran and for OOO. If I want to make FCOM working, which version should I choose?


6. In MMM 3.7b3 patch readme I saw information, that I need to download some .bsa file.

It's size is 400mb. Do I need to download this file if I'm using OMOD version of MMM 3.55 and want to make FCOM working properly?


I would recommend downloading the new MMM373BSA.7z (398Mb) and new MMM_37b3_Public_Release-17784.7z (5.98Mb) release files. That way you know you have everything you need, and it doesn't become a problem later.

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