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VR Pods


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i know its possible because alot of mods have thease yet i can find any Note i have lucky 38n reloaded and nd underwater hide out and i have tried this one http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/42443/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D42443&pUp=1pl



please suggest more / new ones sorry for all the typos my spellchecker is broken

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both i love the idea of virtual reality like there could be wave survival, and there could be training like Operation Anchrage. or maybe another version of fallout new vegas if other things happened or just another world or something. i love the idea and the only mod i have found with these integrated in in underwater hideout and lucky 38 suite reloaded.


if somebody could find more mods with this integrated in and if you good with modding make new one with it in.


Note: theoretically its quite simple to make a vr mod. just get the object from Nelis air force base and make it so when you open it and sit in the chair it will teleport to a made call that has what ever you want in it. don't know how it works yet that's hoe imagine it worked.

also you could try asking the mod authors of who already made these mods i.e UWHNV or lucky 38 reloaded

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That's actually a nice idea as an alternative plot-device to the 'pass through a door, tunnel, etc.' to other world-spaces. It might be be there is some technical reason no-one seems to use it or it might just be that Operation Alaska was so dismal that it put anyone off using it... Anyone who wanted to change or entirely ditch the Lore could use the VR pods, (or a failure/malfunction of the thing's programing) to to justify their storyline.


Perhaps it is harder than it sounds.... many things are :laugh:

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i just think the idea also we can use it as a mini game. like operation anchorage (mod maker made version), stealth missions, wave defence, my favourite is you must build a fort like a better version of wasteland defence with parts and stuff from all over the wasteland. while zombies are every were or feral ghouls or raiders or mutants you can select what you want to go up against in what scenario and what type of mission. lastly we could do simulations of what could actually happen i.e. we could have to do rescue missions from vault 3 or we could have to charge in and kill raiders.



(i got the wasteland wave defence while defending a fort from this alchestbreach video XRE CARS. he does this but not in a vr pod and the fort isn't that good.

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i just think the idea also we can use it as a mini game. like operation anchorage (mod maker made version), stealth missions, wave defence,

yep there are a lot of posts on VR in this forum. I (will) use them in at least four of my mods (Sunset, Mars, Marilyn and the Mech) and am getting ready to pitch another concept with them related to the NV end game (the independent, NCR, House mods).

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