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I haven't a clue...


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I don't need tutorials to explain how to edit the dds files. I can do that, it's pretty much like editing any other image, I'd figure (or maybe it's completely different and I'm too dumb to figure that out...?) :confused:


What I can't do and is driving me insane is how to do all the rest...


So, I tried to make a white retexture of Shivering Isles Dementia Finery.

I made the texture, probably would suck and wouldn't look any realistic or anything in game (or maybe it wouldn't show up at all or something, even if I could get the texture in game), but I can't even view what it looks like on the model so I couldn't possibly know!


I tried that NifSkope thing, and tried to add the item to the game somehow, but there was no option I could find in the construction set to add a texture to an item, only the model and icon :wallbash:

So I put the item in some Divine Elegance chest.

I could buy it, but when worn it looked like the normal purple finery. Yay.


Been trying to figure out this stuff all morning now but I can't because I'm stupid as hell. And there's probably some tutorial out there that is freaking easy to find but I couldn't locate due to the aforementioned reason.


I'd be glad for any help.


But I don't know the first thing about modding, so please keep it simple :unsure:


Sorry for making another useless topic. You can delete this if it makes no sense whatsoever, is in the wrong place or something...

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Ok, I managed to make the item. It works fine on my computer, but when I tried to put it on my brother's computer they didn't.

I put the meshes and textures and the esp there.

(Does it have something to do with file paths?)

Well whatever it is, I don't know how to fix it. :confused:


Here are the files if they could help find out the problem:


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