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How many have you started?


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I for one, never really have counted how many different characters I've started, or for that matter finished. I have to believe at this time it is well over 50 that have completed the game. I think to date the one's I've enjoyed the most is the little sweetheart that just had to help everyone, and kill baddies with a shotgun most of the time. and the absolute bas**** who went and just killed anyone and anything that he ran into. although fun made it real difficult to finish the game. what with killable children and npc mods added pretty much anything living was dead so I couldn't complete all the quests.
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I sort of have a relation to my character just like the OP Mentioned.


I wouldn't start all over again f*** that .. My character is Level 80, No i didn't cheat its a mod.


I could describe my character as a Mysterious guy. As noone really knows perfectley who i am. I never show off my face or anything like that.


I usualy play with a Sniper Rifle, however now always.

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I tend to lose interest once my character is basically unstoppable. Once i'm maxed out on levels, modded to hell and back, and can sneak up on and kill anything in the game without taking any damage, i start over. I've done it that way probably 4 times or so, and i've made about a dozen other characters that didn't turn out so great and got abandoned.
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