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C**p about racist..

The Extreme TES

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"in France,someone who use "negro" in public incur a 10000 euro fine. French law is very strict about that.

and as i know, in england, there's a fine to that too."


Do you (or does anybody else) have any authoritative references regarding the truth of that statement? And I know for a fact that in Britain there are no banned words as such, although inciting racial hatred is an offence you can be arrested for.

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In my class, I have friend.

His last name is the german word for the N-Word. A lotta people laugh when they hear his name, I mean, come on, first of all, this is not funny.

Also, we should see people as one, not as a part , you know, seperate people by the colour of the skin.

For exampe I can have a lotta fun with black people and I can have a lot of fun with white people.

But I also can have troubles with both of them.

Even though I am white, I never had trouble with black people, I have more trouble with white people than with black people.

In the city where my dad lives, there is a lot of racism.. :unsure:

My mom lives in another (much smaller) city and there are also black people, but I never experienced any racism there.

Best thing would be if we just stop these prejudices and see us as one big group, instead of a lot small ones.

We can all have fun together!


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Well, I have only one black friend. There are very few in the town I live. I can count them using only my fingers. He is a basketball player and he is very tall. I treat him like I treat all my friends. He does't get any special treatment just for beeing black and I don't judge him by his skin tone. It's a person like any other so I talk with him like I do with everyone I know. What I hate is "positive racism". People who don't say something or don't talk certain things with a person just becouse of his/her skin colour. We are ALL people, I don't have to explain myself in a different way or act different just becouse of the skin. Not only black people where slaves once. It's history and we all share it.
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I saw your mod, and your description about the "negros being slaves" and I can only guess that you are not American or certainly very young and don't realize the implications of the mod name plus the description.


I am white but I live in the southern US, an area where there was slavery back in the day, and many of the blacks who live here still have a persecution complex and are extremely defensive. I've grown up so accustomed to this that I don't dare discuss anything that could be remotely construed in a racist way and generally avoid black people because I am afraid they will be offended just because I am there and I am white. What I am saying is the tensions are high where I live. If someone was looking to be offended and saw your mod I'm sure he would give you grief. In my humble opinion it's just best to avoid making certain kinds of mods unless you are part of the ethnic group that could be offended.


Added: See, I've been so thoroughly conditioned that I'm worried that somebody will see my post and get mad for me using the term 'black' even though I use the term 'white' to describe myself.


Anti-Slavery International defines slavery as "forced labour". By this definition, there are around 27 million slaves in the world today, more than at any point in history, more than twice as many as all the African slaves brought to the Americas. Most of these are ASIAN!


The English word slave derives - through Old French and Medieval Latin - from the medieval word for Slavic people of Central and Eastern Europe, who were the last ethnic group to be captured and enslaved in Central Europe.


The word Negro was used in the English-speaking world to refer to a person of black ancestry or appearance, whether of African descent or not. The word "negro" means "black" in Spanish and Portuguese, from the Latin niger ("black"). The usage was accepted as normal, even by people classified as Negros, until the Civil Rights movement.


EVERYONE is racist to some degree, the term is not only negative but can be used to refer to one that holds their own race in higher reguard than others, thats all of us unless you really hate where you come from.


EVERYONE Discriminates against one group or another. My first lesson in discrimination was mother telling me: "Dont talk to strangers"


I think it is disgusting to see one human being treat another human being like a peice of property.

Edited by myrmaad
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The fact of the matter is simple. "Negro", despite what it means, its history, or its connection is perceived by many to be a racially demeaning term. Although it might be a valid word, it is not one that someone should normally use in conversation or description due to its connections. I'm not sure what your mod was, but regardless, any mention of a race being slaves in the past should be handled delicately and respectfully, acknowledging any possible similarities to how things might be in the real world.


Although many different kinds of people have at one time been slaves to another based on ethnic background, it is the connection with African slaves that instills the most anger and hatred due to the gross mistreatment, and continued hatred and bigotry toward a single ethnic group. The problem is that while the mod may not necessarily have been racist, it may have appeared this way due to the language used and how this race was presented. That said, just because a couple of stupid people call something racist doesn't make it so. I didn't get a chance to look at the mod or the description, so can't comment as to whether or not the mod actually had some racist undertones. Even if not racist, it might have just appeared as being insensitive to others.


Oh, and those who are claiming that they're not racist because they have a friend of African background should watch more Seinfeld. Seriously.

Edited by Vagrant0
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Oh, and those who are claiming that they're not racist because they have a friend of African background should watch more Seinfeld. Seriously.
I have black in-laws; very nice folks I might add. My husband is biracial. I hope that counts for something. :rolleyes:


Now I shall exit this thread before someone decrees that it belongs in the debates area.

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*After reading through this thread, moving it to the debate section might not be such a bad idea, IMO.


In response to the original post, some people are reactionary to anything they don't agree with. One sure-fire way (in their eyes) to remove things they don't agree with is to attack them. As there is no proof (that I can find on this forum) you are indeed a racist you were probably labled as such in an attempt to get you to remove content they didn't agree with, regardless of the mod's name. I doubt they even downloaded the thing to review it's contents before starting their assault.


I'm sure the staff reviewed the mod's content and if it did contain racist content you would be GONE, ejected from the Nexus family of sites and BANNED. It's against duh rools.


There are definitive physical markers agreed upon by legitimate anthropologists world-wide to determine a person's 'race' and there is NO WAY I'm going to reproduce them here. There's no need as WE ARE ALL THE SAME, different but equal.

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That or lock it.

Therein lies the problem.

If we always fear to talk over sensative subject matter, no progress toward resolution can ever be made.


This world could be a much better place if we were able to spend less time worrying about hurting others feelings and more time fixing the REAL problems we have ALL loosed upon our society.

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