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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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I would never join either side. As I have found, even if I do they just send me away to do their bidding and never give me any help after what's her name leaves me at vault 87 and Fawke's appears to save the day. You know the gal at the BoS who keeps saying, "Your Dad would be proud of you!" That is if she stick's around. Like the time I killed the RoachKing, I took the stuff out of his supplies only to find out I was stealing it, after he tried to Kill me, that BoS gal split.
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I might do what I did in my first playthrough + Broken Steel, crush the Enclave with the Brotherhood of Steel's help, then use the satellite nukes to destroy the Citadel. Followed up by hunting down the last remaining BoS and Enclave.
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I would probably side with the Enclave, to start...


  • Gain the Enclaves trust.
  • Get a very high rank.
  • Crush the BoS
  • Use the Sat-Nukes to destroy the Citadel (Always hated the place, except for the Solar room)
  • Slowly eat away the Enclaves ranks with stealth kills at night.
  • Shoot Autumn in the back of the head.
  • Unplug Eden himself.
  • Build up a Super Army using the Enclave's tech.
  • Rule the Wasteland with 2 iron fists!

<<Very long list>>

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Both sides suck, the only people worth saving are the wastelanders. The Enclave are homicidal maniac illuminati types under the guise of the Pre-war US government, the BOS are stuck-up technophile warrior sycophants and the outcasts are power armoured pricks. Then we have talon company, whose only lasting contributions to bettering the wasteland has been supplying me with free experience, weapons and armour. I'd flatten all the f*ckers, bring in the mercs and caravan traders, have moriaty shot, dump Eden's FEV stuff into the Vault 87 Air filters then caave in the entrances with explosives. and leave them to die out without the capability to reproduce. Next come the raiders, they are reliant on theft and possibly the trade caravans stopping outside evergreen mills. If you shut these off you only have supplies from the pitt to contend with. There it a way to match it; however, rivet city has a TON of empty space (freaking carrier), and we all know assault rifles and ammo can be made in workshops (Khyber pass?) so equipping settlements to defend themselves from raiders would be relatively easy, as well as a start at rediscovering the lost art of manufacture.


And as a result we have a state sat on the ex-capital of the country, armed to the teeth and not filled with psychopaths, super-mutants or technophile idiots. Of course there's that satcom array up north with the stuck orbital weapons platform, that could be fixed.

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Well, after playing through a bit more I am really tired of the stuck up attitude of the BOS. Here I am, with MMM, able to tear through 30 Super Muntants, no real problems. My only issue is close combat.. IF they ever make it close enough to me. I can easily overwhelm 30 of them if I have my followers with me. Now here are the BOS who are having trouble out there. Yet they treat me like I am inferior. I do not like it. I feel that the game lacked one slight part, and that was reputation. I have killed every bad #*& wanna-be I have come across. I cleaned out Bannister no issues. I tore through Evergreen Mills while watching a movie.. I just sat there for a few times letting them shoot me. Now I feel that should translate into a "of Dam, here HE comes" attitude from al the others, BOS and Enclave included. I figure that is why I like the Wastelanders better. At least they appreciate my hard work. I may be no saint, but I am not a psychopath either... well except when it comes to Mirelurks. I would do anything for Mirelurk cakes!



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I agree with pretty much everyone else here that none of the advanced factions can be trusted with a spoon.


The enclave just wants to kill everyone that isn't them. I will not even begin to discuss how mindbogglingly stupid an idea this is if you want to rebuild the world(if you want power, then its a fine move)


The BoS are seriously just lame. Elder Lyons' gang is fighting a losing fight but fails to recognize it as anything but a status quo, and the rest of them(the west coast HQ) are a lot like the enclave, except instead of killing everyone else, they want to rebuild the world, except nobody else can join. And they cant even do THAT, since nobody likes them and they have to use all their resources on developing weapon technology, which they still fail at compared to the enclave.


The outcasts are like the West Coast gang of BoS, except they're small, isolated, and too weak to withstand even on attack from the Lone Wanderer Level 20 who packed up a load of stimpaks.


I'd probably side with the enclave since they actually have tech worth anything, refrain from putting in the modded FEV, attain high rank, and start working on actually rebuilding the world(by loading up Harold with that concoction that makes him spread faster, then developing a functional agriculture while using awesome enclave tech to beat the **** out of raiders)

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The more I think about the factions in FO3 the BoS and Enclave and for that matter the raiders make no sense. Power is always based on land, resources and control of the population. Realistically these factions should be fighting for control of habitable land and control of settlements. You can almost imagine an Afghanistan or Somalia type situation going on. Warlords would be vying for influence and power, not just sitting in compounds collecting stuff. I mean how does either group feed itself and resupply itself? They control no population, levy no taxes, all they seem to due is expend resources without ever producing them. I would love to see a Fallout world with divided territories controlled by rival factions. You could have 5, 10 even 20 little (and big) warlords that each control a plot of land of varying size and influence. Some might be allies, others bitter rivals. Quest options would be monstrous as you choose sides (or don't).
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The more I think about the factions in FO3 the BoS and Enclave and for that matter the raiders make no sense. Power is always based on land, resources and control of the population. Realistically these factions should be fighting for control of habitable land and control of settlements. You can almost imagine an Afghanistan or Somalia type situation going on. Warlords would be vying for influence and power, not just sitting in compounds collecting stuff. I mean how does either group feed itself and resupply itself? They control no population, levy no taxes, all they seem to due is expend resources without ever producing them. I would love to see a Fallout world with divided territories controlled by rival factions. You could have 5, 10 even 20 little (and big) warlords that each control a plot of land of varying size and influence. Some might be allies, others bitter rivals. Quest options would be monstrous as you choose sides (or don't).


I can see factions. Rivet City, Paradise Falls, Fort Bannister, C Commons, etc. All mapped out. Even Dave.. and his pathetic republic. As for myself, I would most likely base out of Megaton. It is a good location. Hmm, buy out Moriarty, either with a load of caps or at gun point, have Gob run the place as a free ghoul, and have some income. Then store all the food, booze, and equipment I find out in the wasteland, in Megaton. Now I have the goods to sell, and the place to kick back. Hmm, a good beginning to me.



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