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Enclave, Brotherhood, Or YOU?


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It's about the forces you would join or create, and i'm fine with people talking about forces fighting each other... It's my topic. I would consider the talk of ponies or something to be off topic. I hate when the reply's to a topic have to be so "On topic" or there is a problem.
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Fallout:New Vegas' soundtrack will be cenetered around the 60's mobster music, hence jazz and early rock. To that end mobsters ARE being considered to be returning like in Fallout 2/1 and I heard we get some DLC back to parts of the Capital Wastleland and Northern Carolina. Little tidbit thought you'd like to know Fallout.


Honestly, based on the destructive potential of Security Drones and Robobrains a robotic army would be able to takeover, The Master did it in Fallout Tactics and he nearly suceeded had it not been for The Warrior. Think about it Fallout, a butt load of protectrons, security drones and robobrains...oh and Mister/Lt/Srgt Gustys.


Edit:Fallout try Real Time Settler mod, it's quite fun except if your using Fallout Wanderers Edition you have to set the timescale to Vanilla your crash alot if you don't. I put it back to Vanilla and never crash unless I use the delete button on the wrong thing(I use disable on console now to rectify this) and with villager limit mod to remove my limit I have a village of 120 people, 40 of whom are guards, in Metro Central just cause of the respawning muties.

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Well, if you had them sided right, then they would not try to kill each other.



I use RoboCo certified. Well I have had the pleasure of being mauled by one of my own sentry bots. It is not fun. The issue was a chain reaction, missile hits car, car blows up, and I happen to be right There.


Not only that but I have seen destruction happen when those things get in close. Personally, I think that there should be some mixed troops in there, different robots, some sort of controlling method. An observer if you will, in an armoured tank, away from any destruction that a frenzied robot might inflict... make that a vertibird. Well you see where I am going with this. But I do agree, an army of robots would have a good chance, now to just shield them from pulse charges...



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It woyld be neat if we could shield the robot completely, like the Aliens in MSZ. That shield would protect from pulse charges, and other dangers. I think the Brotherhood would be MORE successful if they added robots to there army (Like the CrSentryBotSteel guard in front of the Citadel)
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It woyld be neat if we could shield the robot completely, like the Aliens in MSZ. That shield would protect from pulse charges, and other dangers. I think the Brotherhood would be MORE successful if they added robots to there army (Like the CrSentryBotSteel guard in front of the Citadel)


Well, it would give Lyon's some much needed help. Besides, I do not think they would be to worried about losing a robot or two.


I was thinking about the DLC's though. I wonder, using the mothership to move things around could be very useful. It moved the LW and the smaller alien ship. It could move, lets say, trogs too. Perhaps some supermutants. Nothing like taking a load of unwanted mutants of any kind and relocating them right into your enemies' laps. I would like to see how that would be dealt with. Hmm.. "I think I will overrun evergreen mills with trogs today. Tomorrow I am going to clear out the Mall with an army of robots. Next week I have about 50 supermutants that are going to be delivered to the West coast. NCR is getting some shock troops.. just treat them like the Russians: If the SM turn around, shoot them. Oh yeah.. and I have a few more deathclaws to be fitted and domesticated... hmm I knew keeping those alien workers would be good for something: deathclaw food."


I think we can all agree that mobility, communication, and training would eventually win out overall. The mothership can be fixed, refitted, and there has to be some other ships on there somewhere. I am sure some BOS techs, of any of the different flavors, can be convinced to have fun working on the mothership. If not... Oh well. I can always round up the runaway androids and offer them jobs. I am sure they would not mind living in a safe place, where the only dominant rule is, don't do anything that makes the ship decompress.


There are a tonne of possibilities for us to think up. I cannot imagine how scary it would be to put the alien force field, along with a stealth field, on Liberty Prime. Not to mention being able to teleport the robot to just about anywhere!


Ok, now on to my last thought. The robots: we need some new varieties. Lets say, Sentry Bots with tesla cannons! Perhaps load on one of them a heavy incinerator? I think you guys will like this last idea, no matter what faction you like. Sentry bots with swappable weapons.




(20 minutes after posting) CRAP: I JUST realized something. Enclave: a post apoc group of people run by a computer. Paranoia: a post apoc group of people run by a computer. ARGH "commie mutant traitors!" I hope we all have high security clearance for reading these forums, otherwise we are going to need a lot of clones.. ok, there is my side thought of the night.

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LOL, I wonder what some wastelander would think if he saw a mothership carrying 50 muties and dropping them in the Citadel. That would start some conversation...


The things the BoS lack is communacation, transportation and small amount of tech. If they had thes things, I think the wastes would actually feel safe (At least those who support the BoS)

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