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Using Pose Mods


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I've installed a few of the pose mods, and they seem to work ok. Is there a way tho, if I pose NPC's, to *position* them exactly where I want them to be ?

e.g. If I use "Get over here" using the Groovatron mod involving 1 or 2 NPC's, often they will end up facing the wrong way or at the wrong angle. Is there a way to *fine* position them? Thanks in advance.

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With the Groovatron you can grab NPCs with the z key and move them about, you can also hotkey rotate, pull, push, raise and lower. For finer tuning you can use the following console commands....


Getpos X, Y or Z will get the X,Y or Z position of the hightlighted NPC in the game world.

Setpos X, Y or Z number will move that NPC in along the X, Y or Z axis.


For example, say you highlight an NPC and use getpos X, the console will return the X position of the character in the game world, let's say that value is 1000. Now with the same NPC highlighted you can move him along the X axis by for example entering setpos x 1001, doing this moves him one unit one way, entering a value 999 would move him the other way. The Z axis is up and down by the way. Be aware of minus numbers, missing that can send the NPC or yourself across the world or into the void.


To rotate them you use the rotate command, for NPCs only the Z axis works which turns them on the spot. Rotate Z 90 will turn them one way, Rotate Z -90 would turn them the other way, you can use different values, they were just examples. Sometimes the rotate won't work unless it's followed by a setpos command, just setpos them where they already are to get around that.


Always save first, things can and do go wrong.

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