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Build/make a Home Suggestions


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I've got a basic idea of modding, but of course, not the time, resources, or know-how. What I can do is model things, though, assuming I'm given some concept art or references.

I was sifting through all of the home addons and saw RTS again when I had an idea.

It'd be awesome to be able to plop down a house in any old place, like how you start your settlement in RTS. But then, instead of just having this static house that you start with, you can upgrade it, kind of like in Overlord(Buy upgrades with money or resources) And this works in a sort of modular way.


You start out with a basic scrap heap house, and somewhere along the line you can add rooms to it, maybe replace sheet metal and scrap walls with something more permanent, upgrade your furniture for better bonuses, etc.


Maybe add furnishing vendors to different towns to upgrade the theme and construction materials of your house. For example, a vendor in rivet city could provide you with some larger, more professionally cut scrap metal for your house so it isn't so ragged looking. Maybe some old Enclave vet or BoS requisition officer would be willing to provide some structural components of appropriate type, for a fee, or maybe a fetch quest or two. Then maybe if you get enough money, you can go down to those jerks at Tenpenny Tower and get supplies to build your own, better mansion. Who says all supermutants are dumb brutes? Fawks isn't, maybe he, or an Underworld resident, can find a friend to put you in contact with a still somewhat mentally capable construction planner if you like the bloody I-beam construction method.


But once you have your dream(or nightmare) home built to your liking, what is it without company? That's where the Fable inspired portion comes in. Who's to say you can't settle down with someone out there in the wasteland. A couple mods allow this already, integration with said mods could benefit both parties. And for the people that don't want those mods due to the 'morally questionable' content, there could be a more fable-esque fade to black and time-lapse for , ahem, those types of scenes.


And this brings in another aspect, birth, and birth control. Well, the world's irradiated, so it would be hard enough to start a family, you might need something like a Rad-Away or two for a successful coupling. (Yes, I know, radiation's effects are long-term, IRL, but where's the fun in that?) And one of the aforementioned mods from above includes STD's this may also be a factor to be integrated or not. So you'd actually have to be proactive in preventive measures as well.

And of course the birth of a child leads to the rearing of said child. This is also an optional thing, as you can just send the kid off to Little Lamplight* when they come of appropriate age if you can't deal with the responsibility. Although, if too many of your offspring find their way there, the little lamplighters might fear some sort of family coup on your part and stop accepting anyone related to you. If you decide to take care of the child, they'll need attnention now and then. This can include using a baseball to play catch(Another timelapse event) taking your kid/family hunting (Bonus points if you give them your old BB gun), or bringing gender appropriate toys

Like in The Pitt, but more advanced


*Actually being able to find your kids at little lamplight is something I'm not gonna suggest, that's up to whoever decides to take this up, if anyone does.

In this section, I'll post minutia and little details:


Building material selection I can think of:

Scrap Heap, a'la Megaton

Plated Panels, as Rivet City

Armored Scrap, BoS

Aristocrat, Tenpenny tower

Before or after Ghouls, cheaper price from a Ghoul, being grateful and all.


Vault-Tec, these plans and parts would be obtained from a vendor/construction bot at the Vault Tec HQ. And your house would instead be replaced with a hut that has a vault airlock door (Not the big gear door, that's just a little much)

Militaristic (Dark bunker) Raven Rock with enclave barricade parts

Requiring DLC:

Scientific (White bunker interior) Operation Anchorage bunker parts

Alien, House just looks like a metallic bubble with bubble addons outside, easy model. Interiors from Zeta.

Plantation, pretty much a copy of the mansion in Point Lookout

but maybe with a basement resembling the lab in the lighthouse, or as an upgrade.




Family Happiness: Goes down over time unless you're nearby, goes up for positive things you do. If you attack a family member, then it goes down. More each consecutive time.


Genetics: If possible, kid adopts hair/eye/skin color and relative height from parents. Palest white parent + Darkest toned black parent could have any skin color in-between, random selection, though.


Gene modification: You pretty much get an editor screen, but for how your kid looks, not how they will look at X age, also, minus gender.


Different item quality: buying a better bed give you a better buff when using it.

Profile: Larger houses brings larger attention, bandits/raiders will wander your way. Vault-tec style like militaristic, scientific, or Vault will be low profile, but not invisible.


Defenses: Build-able and upgradable turrets. Using a computer terminal and wasteland items, you can upgrade ammo type and targeting. Basic targeting goes after all non-family members(If possible), upgraded makes it only attack hostile NPC's. Third level will make it more damaging as it will identify enemies by type and aim for appropriate weakpoints(Don't need to make it do this actually, just up the damage). Upgrading basic ammo to AP will make it likely to ignore armor status, but using a laser turret takes this upgrade away as you can't really have an AP laser, a laser is just a laser. Outer Walls of varying types, from fence to concrete slab, mostly just creates choke points for incoming NPC's.


Real Estate: The ability to build more houses and rent them out(But you won't be able to enter these unless you set it as your home, which will de-select your previous one and teleport your family, I see this as the most bug-avoidable methodology)


Traveling Vendor visits: Either the existing vendors come by for a visit, or just random scavenger/traders. This can be done by just teleporting/spawning one at a point near your house now and then.


RTS Integration: If your house can somehow be integrated smoothly with your village, that would be awesome, especially if you can build a town with houses you're renting out, but use them functionally in RTS.


Integration with anything else that will make this and/or the other mod a bit smoother.

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Using the same system used for the themes in you Megaton house you can have peices added to or taken away from your house based on talking with a vendor. That could include anything from small objects to furniture to entire walls and rooms.


So in theory you could have an upgrade home vendor who you pay to get different stuff for your house.



It would be a little less customizable, but much easier to pull off. No one with the skill to pull off a RTS type mod is going to be hanging around the request section taking requests.




The same would go for the idea of haveing a family. Being able to start a family with anyone out in the Wasteland would be possible, but pretty complicated to pull off. Setting individual NPCs to act in a certain way however isn't nearly as complex, it would really just come down to changeing their daily actions and dialogue.




Then again, if you want to go that route you might as well just join my mod... since a lot of the work is already done and I already have someone working with me that understands NPC scripting and all that fun stuff (Quetzlsacatanango)


If you are interested you can read here and PM me. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showto...Dynamic+Growing

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