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Help with Scripting...


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Begin OnDeath


MoveTo MercTrashcanMarker00
That's the script, attached to an NPC. When the NPC dies, it moves to the marker on death. But when I use coc to the marker location, the body is not there. If I resurrect it, it appears. Though If I kill it again, it doesn't spawn right at the marker, it just stays at the same spot. That's not my problem at the moment though.
If I am already at the marker location, then kill the npc in a different location, the body moves to the marker and I can see it spawn, just as I wanted.
The NPC is not set to respawn. So why can't I see the body when I move to the marker location after the NPCs death?
I do use some cleanup mods to help with lag. Maybe one of those is hiding the body when it goes to a new location?
Edited by unknownhero2827
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Well I'm not the person to give advice with scripting...still having some troubles myself on that end. But as for testing something....I always test mods with a plain vanilla install and save game...nothing else running except the official update patch. This way you know 100% that the results you get are what they are...and nothing else is influencing things.

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Your "cleanup mods" may very well be getting rid of the body. One way to test this is to make your NPC a "Quest" item (there's a box you can select for this when editing the NPC). Quest items are not "cleaned up" when a cell resets.

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