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I really like hunting Mirelurks. I use Fallout Food:( http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6338 ) to then make Mirelurk food. But if I were to get a title or something to recognize that I killed a certain ammount of them, that would be cool. I know there are already achievements in place, but a few more would be nice. Just a thought.


I did look for achievements using search, so I do believe that this has not been done before, but as always I could be wrong. Thank you for reading.



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The only way to add achievements is to edit the executable, and that's not going to happen.


Achievements are completely useless anyway (their only purpose seems to be preventing a few people from using FOSE, which is just kind of silly), wouldn't it be much better to do something useful like create a unique item or perk to add when the player does something like that?



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Yeah, achievments are useless, but how could you resist when (for example) you need to collect 100 pencils 50 plungers for a crazy achievment ? lol


edit : Is there some way to complete achievments whithout accessing the live ? Some sort of offline achievment or whatnot.

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