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I thinkg I did something wrong


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So, I have CC Extra Tints and Tones, Chargen Package, More Hairstyles, PTS Vibrant colors, and the Updated chargenmorph file for DA redesigned. (I'm surprised the two chargenmorphs don't conflict...)

Ever since I got them, in character creator, the second half of the complexion bar just gives me like...a glass face, my face looks like it's made of glass. But the complexion bar is the only one with any issue.

Any idea which of these files is the issue?

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Well, I hate to tell you this, but anytime you have got two chargen files, you're going to have a conflict. :(

The game isnt smart enough to read both of those files, and will only read the first one that was installed. hence the reason you're having the problem in character gen screens. Its reading the model of them, but doesnt have a name to give them, so doesnt know what to do with um :(


Essentially what you'll have to do is combine those two files into one file, and then make it so that that's the only chargen file in your override.

have windows search your override folder for "chargen" without quotes. Click once on one to highlight the file, then hold down your SHIFT key on your keyboard and RIGHT CLICK the file. Choose OPEN WITH. The program you want to open it with is NOTEPAD. If you dont have it on your list of programs, you will have to click the browse button and find that program. in vista it's in C:\WINDOWS\System32\notepad.exe should be the same for XP, except maybe in system, rather than system32. No clue in win7 tho, sorry :(


You'll need to open each one of these files up seperately, and compare what information is in each of them. You will then need to copy and paste the information which is NOT in one of them, to the other file. IE, make it so that one of htem has all the info from the both of them. Then in notepad click File/save as, name it chargenmorph.xml go to file type, and choose allfiles in the drop box. then save that file to your desktop. go back to your override folder search, and delete each of the chargen files that are in there. then from your desktop copy and paste the new chargenmorph file into your override folder.


sounds like a lot of work but it really isnt. just need an eye for detail, and being careful about what you copy and paste.

Good luck :)

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I have two files that are identical, save that one ends its resource tag, and the other doesn't, which do I want?

Looks something like this:


<resource name="hm_har_blda_0" cut="0234"/>

<resource name="hm_har_ha1a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_ha2a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_ha3a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_hb1a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_hb2a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_hb3a_0" cut="1"/>

<resource name="hm_har_hb4a_0" cut="1"/>





<resource name="hm_har_blda_0" cut="0234"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_ha1a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_ha2a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_ha3a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_hb1a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_hb2a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_hb3a_0" cut="1"></resource>

<resource name="hm_har_hb4a_0" cut="1"></resource>

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Compared and compiled like, eight sets of chargenmorphs. Wasn't that necessary really, only added two things to the master file XP

Then went through and got rid of every chargenmorph file except for one.

Still got glass for the right half of the skin complexion bar...

I'm starting to think they meant for it to be that way.

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Ok, I'm trying to figure out how to put this in non-tech speak, and having a little difficulty. so if I end up going over your head, I apologize in advance. Just tell me what part I got too technical on, and Ill try to re-explain it ;) And I don't mean to try to be condescending.... I just work with a LOT of people that dont know much or even hardly anything about computers. So it;s just habit for me to try to explain things about computers in a way that anybody and everybody can understand ;)


Basically, a dazip, zip, rar, 7z, etc is a special kind shopping bag. You throw all your stuff into the bag, so that you can transport all this stuff where you need to take it, without a bunch of it getting lost. These are special types of folders which are used for data transfer so that all the files can be uploaded/downloaded together, not seperately, and all under one filename.

Once you get the bag home (your computer), You have to take everything out of the bag, and put it away. Thats what damodder, and the daupdater does. It takes all the contents of these archive folder, extracts them from the folder, and then puts them (hopefully, if the modder packed them up correctly) where they need to go on your computer.

So unless the modder screwed up when they packed it all up into the zip, there shouldnt be a .zip .dazip .rar or similar type of folder in your override folder. Only the files that were inside of it, when you downloaded it.


First I'm going to ask...did you update to the 1.03 patch? Or are you running the STEAM version of the game? That patch has caused a hell of a lot of issues with the game. If so, that may be the cause of this.


It could also be that your download got corrupted, and those files got munched while in transfer. OR it could also be that the modder didnt include those meshes with file by accident, or that there's a bug with them?

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It's fine, I get some of the more basic concepts of computers, helps having a computer technician for a father :P


No to 1.03, I saw the thread in general and made sure not to install it.

I have the D2D, not the Steam version.


I also un-installed all of the filed I could think of that would contain a chargenmorph from DA Modder and put them into the override folder manually so I could look take care of it more easily.


Only stuff that's still installed via DA Modder is items and location, and a few GUI changes, like the 5th party member dog.

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Cool, I'm a computer tech myself...hence my habit for trying to "dumb down" the way that I talk to folks, lol.

Ok, glad to hear that you dont have to worry about the 1.03 patch then. :D


The easiest way to locate all those chargen files, is just to have windows do a search for it, in your override folder. then just delete out all the listings that it finds there.

Hmmm. The dog has a bug or two but none that would affect your chargen.

If getting rid of your extra chargen files and putting in a fully compatible one doesn't get rid of the problem, I would have to say that it's a bug with one of the mods. Either a corrupted file, or a name missing somewhere, or something like that.

I wish I had a definitive answer for you on this one :(

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