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1.03 Patch Dlc problem


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Hi friends;


I updaged my game from V1.02 to V1.03. Now when I load up the game and check the available DLC it

says I am missing a requirement. I click on the Return to Ostagar and winter forge but it shows that I am missing having version V1.02 of the game.


Surely this is not working as intended. Is there a fix for this?

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While I sympathize for the issue and don't want to sound callous, you may want to post about this over on the social.bioware.com site. Thats the official forums for bioware, and bugs this drastic will should be brought directly to their attention. Besides, as that's the COMPANY forums, they may have a fix posted over there as well.
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I hear that!!!

On both counts. If this is mandatory for the expansion, thats really gonna suck, hardcore.

Leave it to EA to ruin something that's got THIS much expectation for it's release!

Maybe one day, Mythic/BioWare will be given the same autonomy that Blizzard enjoys. They know to leave Blizzard alone when it comes to making their games.

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I hear that!!!

On both counts. If this is mandatory for the expansion, thats really gonna suck, hardcore.

Leave it to EA to ruin something that's got THIS much expectation for it's release!

Maybe one day, Mythic/BioWare will be given the same autonomy that Blizzard enjoys. They know to leave Blizzard alone when it comes to making their games.


Hmph. Yeah, EA learned their lesson there. Dont mess with a massive game that is already doing very well. I guess maybe they actually DID learn something when they ruined Ultima Online. If they could just get their chit together with the rest. At least their latest games also haven't included that damned greyware that blocks programs from running, like they did with Crysis.

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey guys... i installed awakening and it automatically patched my game to 1.03, now everytime i go to a specific scene in the game it crashes, when i checked the error it says that daorigins.exe is the fault module name. anyone experiencing this? any solutions guys? :sad: :confused:
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