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Another Werewolf mod


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I know there is a few (or even many) mods on that theme, but i think i have a pretty new and original idea.
I was pretty surprised when i learn that there is a many were-beast forms in the Tamriel Lore. Solstheim represented werebears, but there is also werelions, wereboars and even warecrocs.
So, i thought: why player must be werewolf only? Why not a different wereforms according to the character race? Nords can be werebears, argonians - werecrocs, khajiits - werelions (or other were-cats), bretons - Wereboars, etc.




And, one more. I want to request a mod, it's pretty simple (i think), and, i think, it can be made in a few minutes - for an experienced moder, who knows where that values hidden. I want just a simple tweak to werewolf rules:

1) 10 min transformation

2) +2 min for a feed

3) 300% HP regen in werewolf form

PS and please don't remind me Werewolf Mastery.

Edited by Soulnecrose
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Werewolf upgrade is awesome WW overhaul.


Northpoint is going to add wereboar in-game, but it's probably non-playable.

Also, you can guess how many times the "racial werewolf" is requested, but there's no modder/team around that would want and be able to do it.


Besides, implementing would be kind-of hassle.

Just replacing "Werewolf" with lion doesn't make sense, as there's reason why it's wereWOLF.

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Werewolf upgrade is awesome WW overhaul.


Northpoint is going to add wereboar in-game, but it's probably non-playable.

Also, you can guess how many times the "racial werewolf" is requested, but there's no modder/team around that would want and be able to do it.


Besides, implementing would be kind-of hassle.

Just replacing "Werewolf" with lion doesn't make sense, as there's reason why it's wereWOLF.

Where i can find that mod? On Nexus i found only werewolf upgrades Spanish.


I was so naive i was hoped i am the first who get that idea :sad:


And what with that next ww-tweack mod? Is it more compicated than i thought too? Can you atleast tell me where is that values, please?

Edited by Soulnecrose
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