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Undress/Unequip All Activator Mod


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I need to make it so NPC's will unequip all weapons, & either undress or change into a bathing suit when getting into a hot tub & pool.


I have tried using this tutorial by subtanker, as well as the Bathing Suit in a pool Script and files mod that was based on that tutorial, but the instructions are either incomplete or incorrect in the tutorial, & with the pool scripts mod the body types are reverted back to vanilla bodies & the NPC's don't always take off boots or remove their weapons.


I need something that works like it does in the Mammoth Manor mod, where the NPC walks through an activator box & removes all clothing & gear (keeping the installed body type), & puts everything back on when exiting the activator box.


Can anyone help me with this, or point me in the direction of other tutorials or mods I may have missed? It's weird that something as sought after as this has so little available to the modding community to work with.

Edited by ToppDog
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I remember an earlier thread (took a while to find) where something similar was discussed. A somewhat working script was produced, the OP indicates on the last post that they were having issues with the OnTriggerLeave event but did not go into details. You can try it and see if it works for you. Adapt it as you see fit. It is designed to be attached to a trigger volume box.


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I'm trying to make it work like it does in the Mammoth Manor mod. If the NPC's walk into the trigger box, they unequip all, & put it all back when leaving. Very simple, but works great. The one I got to work tries to add in a bathing suit & vanilla body type when the NPC's enter, & unequips them when exiting, & it doesn't always remove all gear. I don't really want to put my mod out with that unless it's fixed.

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I have tried contacting him, as well as the creator of the mod that sort of works, & haven't heard back. Just putting this out there in case anyone else who has working knowledge of how to do this can respond.


It doesn't have to be the one used in Mammoth Manor exactly. There are several others like it out there, but I can't remember which ones. There's the Luxury Suite of course, but it adds in a lot of customized code that I don't want to mess with. Plus, the author of that mod has said not to ask.


Other than the link you gave me (thanks again, BTW) I have only found 2 resources on how to do this - the tutorial by subtanker (which I get hung up on at the auto-fill step, because it doesn't show anything to auto-fill), & the version created by Jet4571, which seems to work, but the modifications he made to it switch the bodies back to vanilla in order to wear a bathing suit. I'm fine with them wearing a bathing suit, but not with the bodies defaulting back to vanilla.


It seems that a lot of these mods use customized source code, which I don't understand why that would be needed, but is probably why nobody wants to give it away.

Edited by ToppDog
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Woohoo!!! I got it to work perfectly!


Seems like such an easy fix too, I feel like an idiot now :)


I just deleted the armor & armor addon parts of the Bathing Suit in a pool Script and files mod/tutorial & everything works great. No more vanilla bodies, & they always remove all their gear.


Thanks again for the link & the help. I've been trying to get this working for weeks :)

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