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Assassin's Creed 2 For PC


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I will pass on this game. - at least until I can play it without being online. I also will not pirate it. Unfortunately the idiots that run the company will use the increased percentage of piracy as an excuse for even more BS like this.


Hint to game company executives. Not everybody has an always on internet.

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Oops, there's already a topic about this. :wallbash:



(not so sure)


But still sad . . . (even I don't have AC2 or a good PC)


Why is Ubisoft forcing their loyal customers to sign up for a Ubisoft account when they don’t want to give their private data and only play single player games?


We hope that customers will feel as we do, that signing up for an account will offer them exceptional gameplay and services that are not available otherwise.

Probably the truth.
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OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:



*cough* *cough*

I mean, bad move, makers of (a$$)assins creed...

Definately won't buy it, cuz my internet sucks...

For luck a mate bought it for ps3, so I can borrow it from him.

Yeah, and also it's better to play it with ps3 in my case, my laptop would probably not make it with the graphic settings on high...


But if this continues like this, I see no reason why I should buy games from them, it just makes me sad that they think everyone who has a computer at home also has an internet connection.


ALL YOUR FAULT AC Publisher!!!

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Closing this. We don't need two topics. For those who are unhappy with this and BOUGHT THE GAME, rather than complaining on some nameless gaming site, you might want to direct your frustrations toward the makers of the game at their own site. Negative feedback does more good than saying "This sucks, I'm just going to crack it". If they acknowledge this move as being extremely bad for marketing, they may decide it might be worth reviewing. Piracy is not a solution for when a company does stupid crap like this, take a lesson from Spore, the most pirated game of 2009.
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