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Read Books Aloud. extended


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the reads books aloud mod is greay yet few people have read the books and they are computer voiced. i prefer human voices or immersion i.e. argonian, kajate (cant spell that race, the cat one) orc, etc.....


please people voice these.



i will be willing to voice some if people can integrate them in for me. i am quite good please i LOVE this mod.

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The issue is that there are hundreds of books in the game, and it would be incredibly difficult to find someone committed enough to spend that much time reading books out loud. So I doubt it will happen. If you really listen to it, though, the synthesized voice is incredibly good compared to many of the more robotic ones out there.


So, no, I doubt this will get picked up, but you can try to partially voice them. I don't think you'll be able to get through all of them. This is not to shoot down your idea by the way, I just want you to know it would be very, very difficult and time-consuming.


There are somewhere between 280 - 450 readable items in the game.

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Philli, I believe you can already contribute voice files to add to this project. That was the original idea at least. As far as I remember, there were several books already done by one female voice actor & one male voice actor, but they provided all the assets so anyone could keep adding voice files to the project.


I have been following this project as well, because I am creating a boarding school mod where I plan to have the children gather around to have stories read to them aloud.

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nice. I was just looking at the readme Link it doesn't make it clear on how to make you voice appear in game... so if i and my friends get voices can somebody convert them for me and then we can upload them on the nexus.


i will to as many books as i can before i get board .

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