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Some MASSIVE issues with Patch 1.03


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I noticed a couple of threads about issues with this patch here at nexus, so I went over to check it out at social.bioware

http://social.bioware.com/forum/1/topic/9/index/1626469/1 is the thread that they are using for feedback and bug reports.


after reading thru the first three pages of issues with this patch, I can honestly say that I WILL NOT be installing this patch, and will recommend to others that they also not do so.


Any issues that you have should be reported at that thread, and should be checked to see if there is a possible fix for any issue that you're having.

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I figured it as a matter of course that almost nobody here would install that patch, because this forum is the DAO-mod-users forum... and v1.03 breaks mods (and DLCs) while offering almost nothing in return.


90% of it is code-in-advance for Awakenings.

5% of it is fixing the loading time leak. Which tbh only affects me once every few hours.

5% of it is making balance changes that I don't want. Or that is done 10x better with CT mod.

0% of it is fixing actual gameplay bugs.

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Well, like I said, we've already had a couple of users come here looking for help with issues on it. And I thought it best to just put it in one spot, to go to that thread at bioware since that's the "Official" response thread to the patch.


I agree, aside from changing a few of the GUI to work with the expansion, that patch is nothing but crap. They halfassed tried to fix the memory leak and failed. They worked on the load times, and I think that's about the only thing in it that they got right.


The combat "fixes" are incredibly WORSE. I saw one post on there where a guy was fighting a boss, and was only doing ONE POINT of damage against it regardless of what kind of weapon he was using.


And yes... it DOES break mods and dlc's!

We've got a post here, that it even breaks chargen! Can't make new characters correctly!


TBH this makes me rethink getting Awakenings when it comes out. I'm afraid I'm gonna have to hold off on it till I get some feedback to see just how much of an effect it has on Origins. :(


I think it was Rebalious who said it best "I blame EA for this!!"

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Hmmmmm, depending on how much time it takes for everything to settle down after Awakening comes out, I'm thinking of just grabbing TES IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe from D2D and going bat-crazy with the mods. Although I dread having to re-learn procedure for Oblivion mod installation.
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Hmmmmm, depending on how much time it takes for everything to settle down after Awakening comes out, I'm thinking of just grabbing TES IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Deluxe from D2D and going bat-crazy with the mods. Although I dread having to re-learn procedure for Oblivion mod installation.


Actually it's not so bad .. of course you have to be careful when going "bat-crazy" since there is always a chance of a game breaking mod. I would install a few mods at a time. That way if something gets messed up it will be much easier to locate the offending mod. :)

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Oh gawd! STEAM automatically updates!? Geeze, that really, really sucks. Didnt they learn from the whole Micro$oft experience not to trust automatic updates!?!?

Yeah, I definitely feel for those peeps. They are essentially....screwed until the patch gets fixed, since reinstalling it, it will only reupdate again :(


I wish I could get my hands on some of those STEAM files, so I could check them out and see if there's a way to disable that.

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Pretty good advice. Tho I'm still gonna wait till I can hear feedback, til I install.

I dunno, guys, but I installed patch 1.03 last night, and I haven't had any issues with it at all. All the mods I used prior are still working properly, and while it took me a while to get used to the changes on the first page of the level-up interface (I imagine they moved stuff around to make room for the new specializations), nothing else about the game has really changed. Well, except for the load-screen leak, which is a huge boon for me. ^^;

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