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To the Sky - Quest Idea


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I got a good idea for the use of those wrecked up F-80 Shooting Star fighter jets on the Rivet City Aircraft Carrier.


Short: You stumble upon a F-80 shooting star aboard Rivet City's Flight deck, while it suffered the initial effects of the bombs the integrity only needs a patch job as well as some replacement parts. Your goal to get this Jet in working order is to scavenge parts from military and factory installations to find the appropriate parts to restore the F-80. The quest starts when a "usable" wrecked up F-80 has a Engineer's book and parts catalog sitting on the flight deck. This catalog lists different factories and thier purpose in the different parts on the jet. Your goal is to find 5 custom meshes/textured parts. You will need the Wing ailerons, Pitot tube, Flight Stick, Canopy, and a new landing gear. Once you obtain these 5 parts and place them, the jet will need 20 pieces of scrap metal to patch up the holes and dents on the jet's fueslage to make the airframe stable in flight. The only thing left to do is press the "use" key on the aircraft and it can take you to different locations.




The idea of this mod is to give travel to other locations outside of the capital wasteland, specifically custom made locations. You basically take off from rivet city and land at a landing strip long enough to support small aircraft landings.


Animations would be nice for seconds. Once you select a destination a 5 - 10 second animation of the jet taking off with you in it would be nice followed by a black screen fade. Once it fades black, this is when the new cell loads followed by animation of you approaching the runway and landing on it. Once on the tarmac you exit the jet and have full player control.


The jet isn't supposed to be controlled, it simply just transports you to different worldspaces. One idea is to use Broken steel's Adams AFB runeway for landing as one possible place to go. But one of the main ideas is to add transport like GTS but made simpler with the press of a button you will fly to your location.


I was thinking this would go good with Real Time Settler where you fly to a empty paradise with a runway and build some sort of city or something.


This is on the back of my mind, I do not expect anyone to do it but I just feel like talking about it. Give it some thought!

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hmm it's need high tec hardware for that....

but i think in fallout


have a 2 model aircraft


1st you see F80 in runaway and many damaged...


2nd in operation anchorage you will see in first from Q destroy the artilery..

so in HQ exit from the tent and see sky. there are a chineese aircraft i don't know what name that model...

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