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Very nice topic. It's strange that none posted anything here. :blink:

Well I'm into metal and rock. :) and my favorites bands are:

Dimmu Borgir, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Cadacross, Children Of Bodom, Lacrimosa, Luctus, Korpiklaani, Rammstein, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Deathstars, Theatre Of Tragedy, Apocalyptica, Dark Funeral, Breaking Benjamin and HIM. :whistling:

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metal too :smile: Mostly what Evandar listens to there but also


Kalmah, Catamenia, Dethklok, Ensiferum, Tyr, Moonsorrow


Also like me classic rock and older metal like Metallica, Pantera, Iron Maiden :smile:

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My reply would be a combination of Illiad86 and Evandar's, except for more recent times i began listening to Frank Zappa (my father's influence) and some jazz guitarists since i started playing in a jazz band.

(but In Flames will forever be my fav band)

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