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*EASY* Request: Wyrmtooth Addon/Patch


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Preface: Wyrmtooth is an amazing mod that adds a ton of new content to Skyrim, but missed 2 very simple features. My hope is to make a patch to add some basic content. Total completion for the patch would be no more than 2-3 hours! All of the content is already available in ESP form, it just needs to be rewritten in its own patch.


1. A door on the "Red Wave" boat that allows immersive fast travel for us NON-fast travelers. Said door is already implemented in http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/43845/? and would just need to be re-written.


2. A use for the Brimstone and Wyrmstone found on the island. I think that some simple crafting options for named items(quest rewards at daedric level) in the game would be a great reward for gathering truck loads (50 of each ingot?) of the rare stone.


(I have worked with modders before, and am willing to donate for their time. )

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we need permission to work on existing mods friend

Q. Can I mod Wyrmstooth?

A. You may make mods that use Wyrmstooth.esp as a master but you may NOT modify the Wyrmstooth.esp or Wyrmstooth.bsa files themselves.


We are not modding Requiem, merely using it as a guide.

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